
I am opening a stable and want to offer extra services how much should i charge i live in illionis?

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id like to provide optional shoeing, grooming washing ect any ideas please help




  1. Riding Lessons

    35$- group (3-4 people)

    45&-Semi Private (2 people)

    55$- Private (one People)

  2. Some of these optional services should be included to bring in boarders.  The boarders who stay then should not be charged for the extra services, BUT once your barn is full, then charge your new incoming boarders.

    Included in board:  Turn outs, blanketing, unblanketing, graining (Feed their grain, do not supply it.) and fly spraying (Owner's fly spray.).  These just cost labor, you're not having to put out extra for anything, money wise.

    Extra items you can charge for:  Clipping (Bridlepaths, booting, body.)    You can charge $25.00 for Bridlepaths, whiskers, booting and upwards of $100.00 for a full body clip.

    Grooming:  $15.00 for simple brushing, cleaning hooves, etc.  Bathing and more you should charge more.

    Lunging:   $50.00/wk 5 days a week.

    Cleaning tack:  Depends upon the job and remember, you're paying for the stuff to clean the tack with.

    Extra feed:  Charge by the bale and feed according to owner's instructions.

    Instruction:  Lessons, training, etc.

    Hauling:  $2.00/mile or more.

    Laundry:  So much per saddle pad, blanket, etc.

    Handling horse for vet, shoer...  This is done when owner can't be there.  Charge according to what your time's worth.

  3. What you can expect to be paid would vary according to your location in Illinois.  In the Chicago metropolitan area, things cost much more than they do in the southern or far western parts of the state.

    Horseshoeing is a profession and fees are dictated by the education and experience of the farrier, and whether or not multiple clients at a facility use that same farrier.

    Are you planning to do grooming/washing by appointment, or as a daily/weekly service?  What is charged would be different if you do it by appointment rather than on a scheduled basis, and would vary according to what was included.  For example, grooming may be simple brushing of the coat and picking the hooves, or include eye wash, mane and tail combing/conditioning, wound care, etc. Washing can be a simple hosing down, or hand washing with a bucket of warm water, soap and lather, rinsing and hand walking to dry, etc.  Again, would it be on a routine schedule, or by appointment, etc.

    You'd have to check costs in the area where you are, list each service you will provide and on what basis, and determine pricing accordingly.

  4. If you are providing a boarding service, you're going to find a lot of this is expected of you - many "unpersonable" stables charge for extras like clipping and holding a horse for the farrier (which is what I think you mean by shoeing unless you are a blacksmith yourself) and for blanketing in the winter.

    That's fine, but you are going to find many of your boarders will appreciate help with these things and in turn, will help you out. I know as someone who has boarded my horse at a lot of places, I'm more likely to help feed and clean stalls for a barn owner who is happy to blanket my horse on a cold night when I'm not there without tacking on an "extra fee"

  5. it depends how good thy people doing it are

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