
I am out of ideas, my 18 month old doesn't got to sleep at night! Help!?

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My daughter has been a good sleeper until lately. We have a routine for both of my kids (3 year old son). I bath both of them, then read them books, then put my son to bed, and then go to my room where my daughter's crib is at. I sing a few songs to her while rocking her. And after a few minutes or maybe 10 minutes, i put her in her crib and let her sleep and i walk out of the room.

She used to sleep after i leave. She might not be asleep right away but she would stay quiet and slowly fall full asleep on her own. In the last 2 weeks, she starts to cry the minute i leave the room and i tried to let her cry it out, and that didn't work even after 2 hours of crying. She would stand up and cry for ever until she throw up one night. So i decided to try something else. I leave the room and go back in a few minutes and leave again and increase the interval, but that sometimes takes up to 3 hours before she passes out in exhuastion.

What else can i try? Please help!




  1. Well she may be sleeping too much during the day. Try to keep her awake and then she will be more tired during the day. Also take her for a little car ride b4 bed cuz  it makes lil kidz sleepy. Also try not to take a bath rite b4 bed cuz that wakes up a baby like get them all stimulated and excited. Try bath b4 dinner. I really hope this helps good luck

  2. mabey instead of leaving you could wait until she falls asleep!

    just rock her to sleep then put her in her crib.or rock her and sing for a while then put her in her crib and read or sing some more.

    hope that helps!!!!

  3. Separation anxiety.  She fears if she can't see you, you're gone.  It happens at a few different stages in life.  18 mos is one of those times.  If you want her to sleep on her own, you have to keep up with what you are doing.  I couldn't do it and ended up going to bed when my son did until recently.  He's 4.  Now I can go in, read a story, give love, lights out.

  4. After you put her in bed, no more talking.  Not a word until the morning comes.  Sit on her floor with your back to her.  The next night sit in her doorway with your back to her.  The next night, sit where she can still see you but you are far away.   After that, you will be good.

    Don't respond to her crying and don't pat or rock her.  She should fall asleep in a few minutes instead of three hours.   And after three days, you'll be golden.

    My son did this, only he was climbing out his bed.  That is how I fixed it.   Also, watch out for the throwing up.  Once a child does that and gets what they want, they'll repeat it.

  5. She may have separation anxiety or perhaps she has night mares.  You may want to try putting her in the room with some of her siblings so that she won't feel so alone.  If that doesn't work consult a pediatrician because it may stem from other issues.

  6. Are you sure she doesn't have an ear infection or that she's not teething?  I'd look for signs of another problem - doesn't seem to make sense that she'd change like that.  Although I did have a daughter that would cry until she threw up!  If you're sure there's nothing wrong with her,though, you're just going to have to let her cry.  And I think you're doing the right thing going back in and checking on her.  Good luck.

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