
I am over my ex...but i cant resist my self from readin his blog!!?

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he did a realllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bad thing to me i dont want to mention...but i cant stop readin his news everyday..and they make me feel sick...




  1. maybe you think he is writin about you, so u check up on it.. to see if he has something to say. but if ur goin just because then you might want to think ur over him, but ur really not. =(  

  2. delete him and find something to do for at least a week and stay off the computer. he knows your reading his blog and he knows hes getting to you and your giving him that power over you.on your blog put possitive things about how great life is and how you love being able to breath again. dont make any comments directly about him. then get out of the house and find someone else to fill your time with. youll be over him faster then you can believe. good luck.

  3. your lying to yourself and to us..your NOT over him

    now pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and delete his blog from your memory

  4. haha we all do it. its just to see whats going on in their lifes as they don't tell you these things no more because of not speaking and that. Maybe your curious to see if he will have a new gf, it don't nessercarily mean your 'not' over him but i don't think your COMPLETLY over him just yet..


  5. People do bad things all the time, its a general part of life!

    but if he has done something which really is that bad, and cannot be forgiven.. then you have decided to take him out of your life.. but it seems like you cant take yourself out of his!

    the reason? well mostly emoitions, and most probably cos ur so used to knowing everything he does...

    the moment you find someone, or something which fills the hole he has made... you will no longer need to read his blog to feel a part of his life...


    if this thing he has done isnt all that bad, yet you feel the need to shun him... then maybe its mainly upto ur ego... soo alil bit of soul searchin to what really matters and youll see it!

  6. Another Opinion..You are NOT over him.

  7. you are NOT over him!

    when there is a breakup, if divorce or children aren't involved (which complicates things even more), then the healthiest thing to do is sever all ties!

    don't read his blog, don't call him, don't go around him or his friends!  it will be hard but you'll have to do it to get over him.  stay away from him altogether.

  8. Well if you keep reading his blog and you can't resist, then obviously you are not over him.  When you stop caring and being so interested in his blog then you know you are over him.

  9. You won't have proper closure if you keep reading about his life.  You need to delete any trace of him from your life and eventually you won't even give him a 2nd thought.

    I deleted my ex from facebook, msn, mobile phone etc.  Unfortunately I see her occasionally at work but that can't be helped!

    Delete everything about him

  10. You're not over him.

  11. have s*x with one of his friends that will be a good blog for you to read!

  12. R u sure you are over him? If you are checking his blog every day then u are not. There is nothing wrong with a bit of harmless noseying at ex boyfriends blogs.... however- if it is making you obsess and think about him, it aint a good idea. Try to resist. Also remember, when u are truly over him, u wont wanna look and if u do, it wont bother u. Hang in there... It will get there!  

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