
I am ovolacto- vegetarian. is there any diet i am not getting?any vitamin or other?

by Guest59630  |  earlier

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I am ovolacto- vegetarian. is there any diet i am not getting?any vitamin or other?




  1. You can find every essential nutrient your body needs in a vegetarian diet, even if you leave out the eggs and dairy you'll be fine. The issue lies in whether you eat a varied, balance diet, which every human being needs to do. Someone that eats meat is just as likely to be missing essential nutrients if they eat the same things every single day and skimp on their fruits and veggies (a very likely scenario). If you're eating your whole grains and beans, loading your plate up with fruits and vegetables, feeling strong and exercising, I'm sure you'll be fine. If you're concerned that there's something you might not be getting, take a look at a vegetarian food pyramid, it lists all the servings a day you should be getting of everything:

    This is based on an ovo-lacto vegetarian; obviously you can replace dairy products with their non-dairy counterparts and replace eggs with similiarly nutritious vegan food if you ever want to take the plunge.

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