
I am packing for my honeymoon in Jamaica. Should I pack any pants/sweatshirts? Does it get cold there @ nite?

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I am packing for my honeymoon in Jamaica. Should I pack any pants/sweatshirts? Does it get cold there @ nite?




  1. Lots of hot countries get quite chilly at night, so I would suggest packing a pair of pants, but instead of a sweatshirt, take some jackets instead.

  2. You should always pack a little bit of everything when you go places. Even though people who live there may think its hot or cold it could be weather that your not used to. I would pack everythink tank tops shorts pants long sleeves sweater jacket bathing suit sandle tenis shoes. you might need everything at one time you dont want to have to look for a local store to but a sweater when you get there becuase you are cold so you might want to take everything. (: Have a wonderful honeymoon and congradulations on your marriage!

  3. It sounds like you just chose Jamaica randomly, without knowing anything about it. Temps there don't change with the season.  However, they change with the elevation.  At the coast it's about 90, but in the mountains it can get as low as 40.  So bring appropriate clothes for where you intend to go.

    It's always a good idea to put some time into researching your travel destination so there aren't any major surprises.

  4. yes, i would pack a few long sleeved/legged things just in case it gets chilly at night. congrats and have a fabulous honeymoon!! <3333333333

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