
I am painting my kitchen and i want to stencil some phrases or sayings.?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone have any good ideas? I would like something to do with the kitchen/food (obviously) or maybe something do with the family.




  1. Mangia=eat in italian

    Live well, Love much, Laugh often

  2. Families are like fudge-Mostly sweet with a little nuts.

  3. why dont you use phrases in other languages as well?

    i know that the first answer you got has many great phrases and you should choose some and also paint them in other languages

  4. Bon Apetite!

    Nothing says lovin' like something in the oven

    Good food, good meat, good God, let's eat!

    The way to a man's heart....

    Eat to live or live to eat.  You make the choice

    Is it ready yet?

    Mmmmmm good!

    Get in my belly!

    Food Fun and Fellowship

    Bam! (Emeril)

    Now that's good eatin'!

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