I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but I may need a bit of comforting right now for my paranoia/OCD/phobia.
I was doing the laundry in a public laundry when I accidentally got some of that sticky adhesive on my fingers from a laundry bag package. I somehow forgot about it since it rubbed off away after folding some sheets, and now I am a little paranoid about using the sheets.
I was folding them with my mom so I thought that some of the adhesive, though not enough to be noticeable had gotten in her fingers. Then we went to get some other clothes and put them in the dryer; but then I became paranoid about traces of the glue getting heated and all, so I quickly changed the setting from High to PP.
Then my mom told me that she had rinsed her hands in hot water prior to helping me load the clothes because some glue got on her hands.
0_o but I am still paranoid now.
Because of some infinitesimal glue that may have remained after she rinsed her hands, yep it's that bad.
But people touch all kinds of c**p between doing the laundry, right? Especially in a LAUNDROMAT, where people could have easily touched other stuff like tape, duct tape, food packaging adhesive, etc, and sticky stuff IS water soluble. right?
Also in the same batch of clothes, I had to rewash them because I found that I had accidentally washed a white plastic grocery bag in there. But has anything like this ever happened to anyone else, and what did you do? The clothes were set on warm BTW.
Personal stories are appreciated ^^