
I am person who performs well at academics but has failed four times in my driving test. what can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I have been practicing driving for last seven months. I have passed L and Pocket parking. But I have failed many times in road test. I have invest almost 1000$ in order to learn driving. I feel dejected and a shamed of my self?




  1. Make nice with someone who can drive. How smart do you think you are now?

  2. Learn to watch where you're going and glance right or left at least twice as you turn at intersections. Slow down to <20K before the turn. Don't give up.

  3. Im also learning to drive and driving takes a lot of confidence. (Something i lack)  If you feel ashamed and dejected your probably telling yourself your no good even before your test starts. Im guessing you consider yourself to be an intelligent individual so you reason that driving shouldnt be a problem. Thinking this way will probably result in your failing! Change it.

    Perhaps a change of instructor would do you the world of good because some instructors are better with non confident students than others. Speaking from personal experience. It is more money yes but the right instructor should be able to build up your confidence. It will also make you feel as though your taking charge of it more rather than the other way around.

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