
I am personally responsible for Global Warming - do you forgive me?

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I am personally responsible for Global Warming - do you forgive me?




  1. I don't need to God has already built an air recycle and fossil fuel recycling and it is the plants ,that have done a great job . The plants are doing the recycling for u and me.

  2. yes we know ,and we will have to sacrifice you to the Gods  because that is unforgivable

    but i am sure you knew that already

    are you busy next full moon

    ,please wear a white robe


  3. ur contribution is nothing compare to China and USA......u dont even idea about Global warming...these developed countries like USA are responsible for this act and not to be forgiven in any case.

  4. how could you!!!! ='[

    oj, everyone's responsible for it.

  5. umm like what are u doing to contribute because mostly all of us do it too so yeah i forgive you

  6. don't ask me, I like it warm, cold weather is a drag.

    ask the polar bears for forgiveness.

  7. Sure, if you promise to help.Start   by recycling,  It;s easy. It saves landfill space.

    You'll find out its' easy, fun, and does work.

    you'll get some idead on your own.,

  8. Of course your not responsible.

    George Bush is.

    No-one can possibly spout so much hot air for so long without affecting the environment. Its just not possible.

  9. Yes and don't let it happen again

  10. I think that we all are responsible for it and it would be good if people understand this, because then we will be able to deal with this case. So you're statement is a good sign - you can start changing the world :)

  11. Absolutely not but if you promise me to meet me up for a drink then I shall reconsider my decision!!

    Hope this helps and if this turns you on then vote for it!!

  12. Yes, you didn't know it but I have been helping you too. I don't fall for all the global warming hype - just another excuse to tax us more!  Keep up the good work.

  13. i think everybody is but you are the first one who admit it

  14. Hey Agius, if you burn her at the stake you'll be producing CO2 emissions and then YOU'LL be responsible for Global Warming - by the way, I'm answering this in the middle of April and it's snowing outside.

  15. you look too young to be held accountable for the actions of big business and government!! it is people like ibm and other major corporations that are the guilty ones!

  16. no, we're gonna burn you at the stake for your crimes.

  17. Sure...we all know you meant well...

  18. Yes, God teaches to forgive... We are all responsible in some sort of way... do you forgive me.?

  19. No you're not...

    I did my share in the 80's with Aqua net too...

    I used more aerosol lacquer in my hair than a Japanese furniture factory...

  20. sure

    at least someone wants to take the blame.

  21. Yes because the weather is lovely!

  22. yes I always forgive people for any myths and delusions that they create ;-)

  23. GET HER, fire up the pit!

  24. wait................. let me turn on all the lights so i can see first.   Right!  I will take a hot, deep bath, dry off in fron t of my electric fire, gonna put on some deodorant, jump in my car, drive  as fast as i can to the airport, alone, take a jumbo jet  to where you live,  and kick your *** for wasting resources! bad girl.........bad bad girl :D

  25. What do you mean?

  26. NO..... You are NOT!

    ONCE AGAIN....

    Global Warming MEANS "World Wide Warming!" It is ONLY A Political Term = NOT based in Real Science!

    The EARTH is covered by "Three Quarters WATER!" Basic Science, it takes ONE-Btu to raise One Cubic Centimeter ONE Degree Centigrade!

    HOW many "Gazillion Cubic Centimeters are there ONLY on the Surface of Planet Earth COVERED by 3/4 Water?"




    Oh yes, POLAR temperatures have varied LESS Than one degree in the past 100-Years. Noticed I said VARIED, = NOT RISEN!

    Thanks, RR

  27. A wise man once told me that you can not truely love someone until you love their farts, so yes, I love you and truely forgive you. Now give me some sugar, baby!!

  28. well if you are anything like your snapshot who couldn't forgive you.ICOULDN.T.only joking i am quite enjoing the warmer weather but then iam an oldie .it will be bad for my great grandchildren thow if you dont stop it . right now would be as good a time as any.try sitting down and thinking of ways to prevent the dreaded global warming.bye have a nice life

  29. I knew it was you all the time....I told the police it was you...your only admitting it now because you know that they are closing in on you, and your hoping to get a lenient sentence.....but it wont work.....its prison for you ,matey.

  30. Yes, but don't do it again, you bad girl!  Now, where can we find your friend (you know, the one who is responsible for cancer...)?

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