
I am planning a trip to Bogota, Columbia?

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What are the must see's while I am there?




  1. Firstly is spelled Colombia... Try going to Medellin, funner and more things to do, it's about 4-5 hours away from Bogota... Try coffee plantations they are nice to see.

    dinkum360 you are a true d.i.c.k you know nothing about colombia and you problably wish you had does drugs it's stupid people like you that make this world an ignorant place. Your problably pissed because it's people like you that buy the drugs so don't blame it on Colombia for exporting drugs blame it on the U.S for buying it, also thanks for the money you made our country that much richer. You can go find a life, because not all Colombia do drugs or sell them, I've seen and had more drug experiences here [NYC] than in Colombia. So go with your bs somewhere else. Oh yea, and why are you such a hater? Because we give good quality stuff? Your problably drinking Colombian Coffee all the time.

    [Sorry about that, it just gets me mad]

  2. It's spelled Colombia.

    Also, please disregard Traveler's response. I have never met anyone foreign or local that has ever that happened to them (aside from just getting pickpocketed of course, which is common). Bogota is probably the safest city in colombia.

    Things to do/see are visiting hte Gold Museum, Monseratte, La Candelaria, Zona Rosa, The Salt Cathedral in Zapiquiria.

    See links below for more information.

    Also, the Travel Channel in the USA just aired an episode on 5 Takes Latin America and they went to Bogota, colombia. Great episode, showed different areas to visit. they all had a great time. If you catch it on tv i definitely recommend watching it. If not, you can watch vblogs of it on the website.

  3. I just got back from Colombia, and I must admit Bogota was my favorite place to visit. Go to Monserrate, it is beautiful. Yes there is crime, but isn't everywhere? Dont go around flashing money and jewelry and dont carry a purse. I saw plenty of women doing so, but I chose not to. I personally thought NYC was worst.

  4. Must see  ..............

       the plantations and drug processing plants. Maybe you can even  get to meet a drug lord or two.

  5. Of course you have read that Bogotá is dangerous. So did I, and I was also arrogant enough to believe that I am an experienced and careful backpacker, who knows what to do. I thought I would deal with the dangers of this city as I have done during the last 12 years of regular backpacking, with the experience of four previous trips to Latin America and living half a year in Guatemala City (not the safest place on earth). Please note that Bogotá, Colombia for that matter, is a different story. Of course bad luck can hit you anywhere but the risk of something happening to you is really different in Colombia. Common sense like "beware of pick pocketing in busy areas, watch your bags like a hawk in terminals, don't wander off in quiet areas by yourself, keep a low profile or don't go out after dark" etc. etc. is not enough! Anywhere in the centre of Bogotá you can be robbed in broad daylight. I was walking in a nice sunny street just a block from Avenida Jiminez. It was a national holiday so many people (families, couples) were walking around. People were standing and sitting in front of their houses and there were even two police officers 30 meters away. However, when they were called they refused to come while I was being stripped by eight boys with two knifes in my face. The robbers even take their time to check your underwear as nobody around them bothers them anyway. This story does not stand by itself. The police station on the Avenida Jiminez on the way to Monte Serrate records about 150 robberies a day; many Colombians and about every foreigner that dares to stroll around the neighbourhood. What do you think of the nice square in front of the gold museum...yes people were violently robbed and beaten up there just a few weeks ago. We counted 4 violent robberies in these last 3 weeks in this hostel alone. Some things in Colombia are really great and some people are wonderful, as many travellers will testify, but yes, it is getting really bad. Common smart travellers sense is not enough for Bogotá. Please believe that you are taking a different risk than most other countries. I am far from the only one that was surprised by the vicious criminals of this place. Nearly half of the people that I spoke to during my month in Colombia had been robbed. Nobody got hurt...but I was amazed.

    Rob Minee, (Jan 01)

  6. It's a pity that some ignorant people can only think drugs when they hear the word Colombia. Colombia is a beautiful country and yes, there are some difficult and dangerous parts but they also have great cities liks Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Santa Martha. Dont miss the Salt Cathedral. I saw more criminal activity in NY than in Bogota!!! Just take the usual precautions when travelling to an unfamiliar country.

  7. I spent nine weeks in Bogata on a work assignment and had a wonderful time with no problems at all. The people of Columbia are very warm and friendly and make it a great place to visit.

  8. I have just moved to Bogota. I have been here on plenty occasions. Never have I been in harm’s way; however, it is far from becoming a thing of the past.  

    Bogota is a lovely city that houses over 9 million people; you can expect sporadic petty crime. It happens in London. Just stay out of trouble and take heed on recommendations local give you.

    When in Rome…

    Oh even though I am bilingualilliterate, it's spelt 'Bogota', the 'U' is for the man after whom Colombia (name) is named.

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