
I am planning a trip to Germany in July how conveinient is it to us debit cards there?

by Guest33175  |  earlier

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I am planning a trip to Germany in July how conveinient is it to us debit cards there?




  1. I know in asia it was extremly hard for me ...number one the fact i couldn't read vietnamese japanese or chinese on the atm LOL in most cases people juss bring there cash on board ... my boss has a debit card over seas and he couldn't use it in the US soo im sure it be tough but i tell u one thing the ATMS i saw had the VISA logo on it

  2. I would second what Graham7179 says, but add the following.

    Definitely let your bank know (24hours prior to departure) where you will be.  It is most aggravating to have the card not work because the bank has put a warning flag on 'unusual' transactions.

    You also want to be sure that the debit card you are using is attached to a checking account.  Many foreign ATMs will not give you the choice of which account to choose from when withdrawing money.

    Also check with your bank to see which foreign bank they have partnered with so you can withdraw money without the foreign ATM charge.  (Most recently, I know that Bank of America and Deutsche Bank in Germany have this arrangement--I am not sure that it extends to DBs other locations.)

    Be aware that ATMs are not as prevalent as they are in the US or Britain.  Also be aware that some ATMs are dedicated for a particular purpose.  You might find one that does not work, walk around the corner and find one that does.

    All the above is about withdrawing money from the ATM.  You can also use them to make purchases.  Just make sure they have the VISA (or MasterCard) logo.

    And very importantly, make sure that you again talk to your bank.  Let them know where you will be.  Also ask what your POS limit is.

    Your debit card has two limits.  POS and cash withdrawal.  The latter we have discussed above--you want to make sure you have enough daily cash withdrawal limit so you can get necessary cash.  (You may need to take cash out several days in a row.)

    The POS is the point of sale limit.  This is the limit for using your card to make a purchase.  Depending on your bank and situation you can have these amounts raised, but very often you have to go to your home branch--in other words, where they know you and have this done.

    Another note about withdrawing cash:  If you know you are going to be using a lot of cash, you will want to plan ahead.  There is nothing worse than coming to a final day and needing that last bit of cash, only to find out you have already reached your limit for the day.

    And lastly, if at all possible, have a couple of alternative cards/methods.  Look at the back of your cards to see what ATM network they use.  You might want to have one from say, CIRRUS and another from PLUS.  (Sometimes the same card will work at many.)

    Have a great trip!

    Thomas Talboy, PhD, Director

    Ubiquity International, LLC

    Experience. Explore. Embrace the World.(TM)

    Dr. Tom’s Traveling News and Trivia. (TM)


  3. If you are using it as a credit card normally they work fine from large banks but if you bank at a smaller bank you could have problems. Make sure they know that you are traveling so that they will not put a block on your card.

    If you want to use it an ATM then there are more problems. There are a lot less ATMs then in the US and sometimes the cards won't work.

  4. That's cool, I'm planning on going to Germany in July too!! I've been twice before, and just brought cash. (Didn't use it though, my in-laws paid for everything) =) Have a nice trip!!

  5. u can use your debit card on any atm you like. you can set them all up in english. the credit card is not as common as in the states in germyn. not every store except it. especially smaller stores don´t so always have some cash on you. i wish u a nice trip to germany

  6. It's easy - check with you bank to see if they have partnership with European Banks (DeutschBank or others)  Bank of America is partners with DB and so I did not have to pay fees (other than exchange rate fee).

  7. hey

    i travel germany fairly frequent now, and just got back last oct. it is still difficult to use credit cards, even in major cities like berlin. better get some euros!



  8. As easy as it is anywhere in western Europe. On many machines you can select to have instructions in English.

    Same for credit cards - but consider the charge for this (commission & exchange rate).

    Just ask your bank.

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