
I am planning on doing fundraising and donating $1000 to the ASPCA, I am 15. Do you think they will be amazed.

by  |  earlier

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Or just think it's normal?





  1. They will be amazed not for the amount of money which is not bad anyway but because the donation comes from someone so young, usually people at your age cannot think nothing better than discos, fashionable clothes and having infatuations. I think you are just a great, amazing person!

  2. They'll be amazed

  3. It will be a small but welcome contribution.

    Unfortunately, the ASPC Humans needs it even more.

  4. I don't know how amazed they will be.They will be very pleased though.  I think the one that will be most amazed is you!  You will feel so good about yourself for helping.  I hope you will continue to be inspired to do it over and over again, when you find a cause that is important to you!

    May you have lots of happiness!!

  5. why would u want 2.  my advice is raise money "for charity" and keep it 4 yourself

  6. They will not be amazed.

    If you're doing it to amaze people, send out a press release (and photos) to your local newspapers, tv & radio stations, and/or donate the funds to a local animal shelter, who probably needs the donation more and will express gratitude with more than a form letter - they can help you set up a "photo op donation" like you've seen where someone hands someone else a big, oversized check for a big amount.

    If you're doing it to help animals (because you've seen those pitiful pictures on tv) then it doesn't matter if anyone is amazed, because your motives are right. But still consider helping a local shelter - they don't have the budget for tv commercials and need every bit as much help.

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