
I am planning to audition for grease next march..Do I have a good enough voice?

by  |  earlier

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I am still working on it, yea I know I pretty much need to work on everything but I thought I would ask. I have acted in other things but I thought I would just audition for the heck of it. ---Annie ----Grease




  1. Quite pitchy... I think you would really benifit from singing lessons. Good luck!

  2. pitchy but still good. you have potential. i agree do the piano do-re-mi-fa-so-la-te because i did it for a couple hours last night and was worlds better today!  

  3. Ashley-

    Great voice. Great potential. I listened to your Annie track.

    Work on staying on and maintaining a pitch though. I hear your vibrato, but try to control it. If possible, try your chest voice out and sing out Louise!

    Good Luck Ashley!

  4. You have a very nice instrument, but you need to train it to be in tune. If you have a piano, tune your voice to that and sing Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Te. Lots of practice will definitely improve your chances of getting a good part. Your voice is very pitchy right now, and you need to be aware of that so that you can fix it. But I do like the sound of your voice, it's nice and clear. Don't give up, you have plenty of time...keep practicing!!!

  5. It is difficult to tell because you had no music to sing with. I couldn't tell if you were on pitch or not.

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