
I am planning to purchase a bird as a pet to love and to care for. I want an affectionate bird and ?

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that does not shed as much. . I want a bird that sheds a less than parakeets. I was looking into Cockatiels and Lovebirds. I want only one bird and I will devote all my love to it. Please let me know which breed sheds more and if there are any other I should options.




  1. All birds molt - that is to say they shed their old feathers and replace them with new feathers on a regular basis.  So there really isn't any question of a bird "shedding less than a parakeet".  If you adopt a bird as a companion, you're going to be cleaning up feathers (and seed and veggies and toy pieces and everything else your bird can get its beak on :-)  Birds are messy.  That's the way they are.

    That said, cockatiels are generally very sweet birds but they do have a lot of powder in their feathers.  Along with cockatiels and African greys, tiels' feathers contain a lot of powder and you may have problems if you have allergies.  Even if you don't have allergies you'll find yourself having to dust the house rather frequently.

    Whichever bird you choose you should try to locate a breeder who hand feeds and socializes the babies.  This will give you a MUCH better start on taming your new companion than buying one from a pet store that hasn't been handled (and may have been parent raised).  

    Join a Yahoo Group that's devoted to any bird you are interested in.  That will give you access to lots of people who already own that particular species and you'll be able to ask questions and hopefully get some direction as to breeders in your area.  Don't be in a big hurry to adopt a bird.  Do some research first so you learn which bird is best suited to you and hour household.  Owning a bird is a joy but it's also a big commitment.

    Best of luck in your search!


  2. A hand fed cockatiel or lovebird from a good breeder would be a great bird. Either species can be very affectionate, loving, and willing to play and interact with their owners.

    I personally think Lovebirds are a little more on the playful side, wanting to DO stuff with you, while Tiels are more content just to sit around with you.

    All birds will molt, they all do to replace old/damaged feathers. With a healthy diet and ample opportunity to bathe and keep their feathers in top condition though, you shouldn't have lots of extra feathers flying around.

  3. bird are boring get a small dog they will keep you active and healthy plus u can hold it and take it with you and play with it.  

  4. If you have a yard I reccomend a chicken, you can get a little banty, they are small and cute. If you hold them every day and feed the out of your hand they'll come running. Also, they'll keep your yard pest free!

  5. I would recommend getting a baby Sun Conure. They are lovable little things. They don't grow to big and they don't really shed any. The one that I have cuddles. They are very colorful, lovable birds. You'll have to feed the bird whenever there hungry it can be a commitment if you decide to get a baby, but its well worth it. He doesn't talk but he will say kiss and kiss ya. But definitely get a baby if your going to get one.

  6. Any bird would be perfect.But if you want an affectionate bird dont get a parrot.They are affectionate but I wouldn't reccomend them for you.Any bird sheds if you don't give it love and care but don't spoil it because you don't want it make tons of noise.I have a sun conure(from brazil) and a parrot.We got the parrot from one of my mom's friend.She used to be very nervous where she used to live before because all the kids would annoy her and never leave her alone so she lost all of her feathers where her chest is.We think she escaped from a pet shop and somehow came here.Sun conures are perfect birds for me.The only problem with him is he has a big mouth but not all sun conures are like that.He was born in a pet shop so he is used to noise.He doesn't bite but pecks you.Not very hard.He likes to climb then just sit on his pole.He eats anything but some stuff can hurt birds.He would be the perfect bird for you!But cockatiels are very very affectionate.I would suggest these two birds to you but it's your choice.There are tons of other birds That would be perfect.If money isn't a situation then I would suggest the cockatiels for you.But before you even get a bird you need to decide what kind of bird you want and find what it likes to eat,what makes them sick,cage or no cage,stuff like that.Remember DO NOT get a bird you know nothing.I wish you luck!

  7. I'm not sure what you mean by "shed". All birds molt and shed feathers. They also have what I call "bird dust". It's not a big problem unless you're allergic to it.

    Cockatiels (hand fed) are very loving. They make excellent pets and will cuddle with you. Larger parrots can be sweet pets as well, but hookbills tend to chew things, like your clothes. Some talk better than others too. Cockatiels can talk but it is more of a whistling sound. I'm not sure about a lovebird's ability to talk.

    I definitely recommend that any bird you buy be hand fed. They are the most affectionate.

  8. Well, I'd recommend cockatiels because they are fun and spontaneous, but they are sort of known for their feather dust, or feather down, and that is sort of like shedding, but it is just small bits of white dust; smaller than a feather, so I wouldn't worry about that too much. Also, most birds "shed" about the same, and at "molting season", they shed a lot (but it's only when they are 6 months old, a year old, and once a year thereafter. The molt usually lasts between 4 and 6 weeks) If you are really worried about feathers, then you can purchase a type of cage cover that helps keep the feathers in the cage at least. To sum it all up, if you will be devoting your love to this bird, a cockatiel will be great; mine love to come and snuggle up with me when i'm reading (and sometimes turn the pages for me!) just make sure you get your bird from a good breeder that handles the birds so they are friendly to people and love being held! ^_^ Good luck!

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