
I am planning to travel to Morocco in August. How safe is it?? Places to see??

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I will be there approximatel 3 weeks. Is there any areas or cities I should be aware of?? How safe is it there?? What are the must sees in Morocco??




  1. lol

    that is so funny

    the lady  "IVE BEEN VIOLATED" is saying that ,in morocco they will get you drunk so they can rub you,and that s a very funny !!!

    well morocco is safe,try not to take a lot of cash with you,make sure late at night you take a taxi,

    people will try to sale you anything,for very expensive,

    don t trust anybody,

    and you ll be ok.

  2. Just be careful...if you are a man they will try to rob you by getting you drunk. If you are a woman , they will try to marry you before you leave. Leave expensive watches etc. AT HOME!!

  3. It will be hot in August. If you are traveling to Marrakech, Ourika Valley is a good way to cool off and enjoy nature too.  It goes for miles and miles and you can find places to spend the night if you want to stay awhile longer. Also Essaouira is a smaller city on the Atlantic coast, it is a very peaceful place with blue painted windows and a lot of art is sold there. You can buy thuya wood items, a very fragrant wood, there are argan trees in the area, reknown for the goats climbing in them and eating the nuts. Tetouan is in the north near the Mediterranean, that area of the  country is very green and beautiful. Assilah is another small city on the northern Atlantic coast, it is famous for artists and murals. Although Casablanca is the most famous city because of the movie, in my opinion, it is best viewed from a train as you are passing through. It is overcrowded and has a lot of criminals.  Agadir has a beautiful beach, most of that city was rebuilt after an earthquake in the 1960's.



    WELL you have lots lots lots and lots of places to see.

    well first go to the hassan II mosque which is next to the beach directly.

    More detaills when u pick this as the best answer.

  5. Agadir is a popular place for tourists, and it's the only city i've been to. As a girl i didn't feel myself that safe, because the moroccan men are just crazy (no offence, but they even stalked me!), but you will be fine. Just couple of tips:

    There are a lot of swindlers. For example beggers: some citizens have noticed that begging is a good way to earn money. Even if they wouldn't be that poor, they could even use their children to get some extra money, pretending to be poor.

    Don't make any boughts from a "guy from a street". He may claim to be a wanderer from Sahara and wants to sell you a couple of carpets. Well, he wants to sell them three times more expensive.

    Shopkeepers will do anything to make you buy stuff. They will disturd you till the last nerve!

    Many of the items are fake. Actually practically all of them are.

    The beach of Agadir is wonderful.

    Then there is Souk. It's a local marketplace, where you can buy everything: spices, shoes, clothes. You should just see it, even if you're not going to buy anything. Just find out about the times. It's at least once a week i remember.

    Then there's camel markets, which is kind of the same as Souk, just with the camels. You can even buy camel meet! But it tastes bad, i've tried.

    You can also ride a camel.

    But money shouldn't be a problem, everything is cheap there. But you cant exange money anywhere but there. You are not even allowed to transport money with you when you are going back.

    Well, i guess this was all of what i can say, hope it helped.

    Oh, and Rabat is the Capital, so i guess it would be a quite big place. Other big cities: Casablanca and Marrakesh. Marrakesh is famous of it's markets.

    And one thing you should be aware of: The thieves. Keep your wallet where you can see it, and make sure you've locked the door when going out.

    And don't go driving anywhere you're not sure where you will end up to. An asphalt road may turn up a blind alley.

    Oh, and watch your steps. There are plenty of traps in the streets where you could get your foot stuck or even fall into!

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