
I am polling for a class project, please answer all questions and if you dont mind, age and party.?

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1. Do you think our government is doing enough about global warming?

2. What is the most important enviromental problem we are facing today?

3. Will you base your vote on a candidates enviromental issues, and if so which ones?

4. What can we do to reduce global warming?

5. Do you use green products, and if so which ones and why?

6. What do you feel is our most polluted areas?

7. What do you feel we are most likely to lose due to the global warming over the next 100 years?

8. Which companies need to be held responsible for our pollution?

9. State an disaster that you feel has effected our world.




  1. 1. Yes.

    2. Soot & mercury pollution.

    3. Yes, that they aren't overly obsessed with environmental issues.

    4. Turn off the sun. Mitigate soot.

    5. No. They're too bloody expensive. That means they use *more* energy to make - either that or they're gouging.

    6. China. Russia. India.

    7. Alarmism will be abandoned. That's because we're scheduled to lose the past century's warming w/in that time frame since we're due for another solar minimum by then & might have to grapple with climate change akin to the mini ice age. Can you say "crop failures?" See also: Maunder minimum

    8. China. China has a 40% higher emission level per unit of production than the rest of the world. China emits more soot per capita than the rest of the world & soot has just been discovered to cause up to half of the atmospheric warming formerly blamed on CO2. The upshot being that Kyoto is helping the West both export jobs & increase emissions!

    9. The Great Tsunami of 2004. The great Chinese earthquake of 1972. The Tungunska event of the early 20th century (well, it killed lots of reindeer). Krakatoa! The mini ice age! The black death! And we're due for Apophis in 2037!!! The sky is *always* falling down. If it weren't, we wouldn't have an atmosphere.

    I am demographic-less. I'm not affiliated with a political party and am 40+ years of age. No groovy ideological fads or iPods for me, dearies.

  2. 20 - D

    1. Our government is not doing enough, but several organizations are putting in their part to save our world.

    2. Animal extintion, (many of the problems are causing this one, but I really dont want to see any of these animals go extinct. I would like my daughter to grow up and know that there are more than people out in the rest of the world.

    3. No, I dont think any of the candidates will do enough to control this problem.

    4. Energy efficient light bulbs, hybird cars (they are not even that expensive), using less water.

    5. I use energy efficient light bulbs, for two reasons, to help the environment out and my electricty bill isnt so high.

    6. One of the most polluted parts of the world is Asia, they just do not care about anything they do to preserve water, oil, and energy.

    7. Animals, like Rhinos, Elephants, Lions, Gorillas, basically most of the animals in Africa

    8. Gas companies and large manufacturing companies.

    9. technology innovations

  3. 26 - Green Party

    1) Not even close.

    2) Global warming.

    3) Yes, mostly global warming.

    4) Reduce carbon emissions.  First step - introduce a carbon cap and trade system.

    5) Yes, many to reduce my environmental impact.

    6) Big cities and areas which use a lot of coal power plants.

    7) Our comfortable lifestyles.

    8) Oil companies.

    9) Biggest in US was Hurricane Katrina.

  4. 1. No, they aren't doing enough

    2. Climate instability

    3. No comment

    4. Reduce energy useage basically. Recycle, reuse, don't use electric heaters, get double glazing/cavity walls, avoid short car journeys, use more public transport.

    5. No specific products, but i reuse whatever I can.

    6. Well, our largest cities ;) Where we have industry and stationary or slow-moving cars. Mostly in the developing world. (3rd world)

    7. We're not sure how long the warming will continue, but we will suffer floods, droughts, some severe winters, disease, severe food shortages, among many other things.

    8. Lots of people are reponsible, including the majority of us. The most resonsible companies are the oil companies who are not part of the USCAP.

    9. Famine?

  5. 1) More than enough.

    2) Mercury poisoning.

    3) No.

    4) Nothing - but some of the things that are promoted as being global warming solutions are good for other reasons, such as nuclear power.

    5) I make purely economical decisions.  Many times this happens to dovetail with what the environmentalists would want me to do.  My electric bill is $22/month, for example, as I do not watch tv.  I keep the heat down and wear a sweater because it's stupid to pay hundreds of dollars for hot air.  I drive a small car with very good mileage.  But these are my choices and not the government's to make.

    6) West Virginia, Kentucky - anywhere near coal mining.

    7) In 100 years market forces will dictate alternative fuels without regard to global warming.   If it is us, then we'll see a few more degrees F before we have to switch fuels anyway - i.e., it'd get to about 1 degree F above 1998 levels perhaps for a decade or so.   Thus even if they're right, it's not a "planetary emergency."   As for "our comfortable lifestyles" - I've worked very hard to make mine comfortable, and that's nobody's business but mine.   I don't try to intrude upon Dana's lifestyle, he has no right to intrude upon mine.

    8) The ones that pollute.

    9) Thalidomide.    Let's focus on proven problems instead of diverting resources on unproven ones.   The tens of billions spent trying to prove man-made warming could have been spent to feed the poor or solve the problem of mercury pollution - which will only get worse with the lightbulbs that are going to be mandated.

    38 years old


  6. 1. no, there too focused on the war.

    2. the world has gotten 2 degrease warmer in the past 70 years. it might not seem like alot, but its enough to start melting our polar ice caps.

    3. im not old enough to vote yet. :/

    4. carpool, solar power, the list is never ending...

    5. i used recycled clothes, and plant based products. its better for you anyway.

    6. racine, wisconsin. have you ever been there?

    7. well, alot of animal species are already on the brink of extiction.

    8. im not going to pin point any certain companies, because there are tomany to name.

    9. i think the huricanes have effected us by making us do more building, making more products,and exuding more co2 into our world.

  7. 1)  Any government action is TOO much.

    2)  Biggest environmental problem in the US is water pollution

    3)  Yes, if a candidate suggests taxes for the environment, they're out.

    4)  Wait.  Nature causes climate change.

    5)  No.  I focus on the Reduce portion of the "3 R's", because that's the only one that saves me money at this time.

    6)  Our most polluted areas are our waterways.  Our rivers and streams have been used as industrial and municipal toilets for far too long.

    7)  We're most likely to lose our economic freedom as a result of political measures in the name of global warming.

    8)  The companies caught polluting should be held accountable.  

    9)  The accidental shooting of "Stonewall" Jackson by a member of his own army.  There is no telling how the Civil War would've played out had General Jackson not been killed when he was.  Imagine how the world would've faired if the US had not become the Empire it is today.

    30, Libertarian

  8. 1. No. We, as a country(USA) need to be more aggressive about this.

    2. Over population. Less people=less pollution, period!

    3. No, health-care is my #1 issue. Although, stopping a war is a nice way to stop pollution.

    4. Use public transportation whenever possible. Recycle.

    5. I have used a few tactics on my vehicles, premium air filters to make them more efficient. Regularly checking air pressure, getting tune-ups. Using rechargeable batteries. Using a rechargeable lawnmower. Using CFL light bulbs. Recycling glass/plastics/paper/tires/cellphones.

    6. Rivers and lakes.

    7. Many animals. Extinction is already happening in a big way, but global warming isn't the only reason. People are moving into their territory and the animals have no place to go.

    8. All. Simple...everyone pollutes, everyone is responsible.

    9. Hiroshima. Any bomb, whether it's tested below ground or intentionally set has no good outcome.

  9. 1. no

    2. limited water supplies

    3. it is one of many issues i consider

    4. the easiest thing to do is go vegetarian

    5. i try to keep my house low energy bulbs, ect

    6. major cities and water supplies

    7. what do you mean? like do i think some land mass is going to go underwater? i really dont know and dont see why it should matter to your actions.

    8. all of them... the larger they are the bigger the impact they can make

    9. bush's presidency

    25 Independent

  10. 31, D

    1. not even a little bit

    2. Reliance on oil

    3. yes, alternative fuels mainly.  We will run out of oil in my life time

    4. Stop being so dang selfish

    5. Yes, cleaning, health care, foods, clothes, etc.  Because of the toxins people put in all the non-green products.

    6. water

    7. clean water

    8. big oil and pharmaceutical companies

    9. industrialization

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