
I am post gruaduate in psychology and I want to know the reality of the parapsychology?

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I am post gruaduate in psychology and I want to know the reality of the parapsychology?




  1. They must have covered all you needed to know about parapsychology during that tutorial last Thursday when you stepped out for a moment to get a drink of water.

  2. *

    We all as Human of Date, one amongst many other billions of species, are extant of "BODY : MIND : SOUL"

    BODY is the heredity wealth being passed to us as the Genetic Stock from the linage of our fore-parents.

    SOUL is the transcendental treasure been evolved as a complimentary Energy Source as a "Quantum Creative Act"

    MIND is the process where the Soul transfers its inherent worth & values called as Energy into the Energy that the BODY can assimilate to its needs & neccessities, hence we address the Working of Soul as The SPIRIT Of SOUL ~

    'SPIRIT' is the Energy Of The SOUl that gives a meaning to its existence".

    BIRTH & DEATH is nothing but a Quantum Creative ACT, where the Consciousness Co-Exist with the physical -body to witness and manifest its completion of the incomplete Mission of each and every Birth it had Co-existed in the past, and since then have been re-incarnated as an Evolved Being. AS SUCH, on being this account of completing the incomplete Mission... the SOUL co-exist back with the Quantum Energy in the Space. as MOKSH / Discarnation.

    ALL is nothing , but a QUANTUM CREATIVE ACT that rules the EXISTENCE of ALL the CHANGES : HAPPENINGS : CIRCUMSTANCES ; PANDETERMINATIONS through out the text & texture of the Universe, at large called as SPACE & MATTER.

    ALL said is an esoteric subject of /by/for Arcane Prudence, not within the scope and measure of a person below the qualification of post-graduate/Phd in domain of Astronomy OR Space'Science... especially having the enhancity of Knowledge in the field of Quantum Chromodynamics OR PiezoPhotonics OR Beyond to be honourably callled and addressed with reverence as "ASTRAL SCIENCE"

    Just a One word "PARAPSYCHOLOGY" ... which in its scientific version is extrapolated as PARA' PHYSICS, but to answer the same with an ontological perspectives... it would involve the entire domain of Knowledge to be explored by the Product Trinity at its Work in the Divine'Workshop of Cosmos.

    Laconically, the Cosmic format is the Reticulum 'web-like reticulation' that binds and weaves all of Cosmos in strands of 'Vibrational Energy' which we generally call it CONSCIOUSNESS.

    Within the purview of this Vibrational Energy been guaged and guided by the Seven dinstinct Rays... We humans are generally attuned to see only the Visible Light Rays of these 'Vibrational Energy', which is a composite of the Photons... in part, as been understood by us in language of Colours. Similarly, few are attuned to see below this Visible Rays in filed of Infra-red Rays... aliking many animals, who can see in dark i.e. at Night Time. There are Others also who are attuned to see beyond this Visible Rays of average frequency, in the field of Ultra-voilet Rays...

    Now, to be in pertinent to your Q' ... please note that all that has been Named and Mentioned in a format of Words, all does exsits. In simple language, All that has a name & been mentioned anywhere / anytime it does exist as a extant, but our perceptive Concepts or conceptive Percepts are at mercy of our so-said attunement to gain an "Objective Knowledge for the so-said Subjective Entity". Unless until, we in question are not attuned within ourselves, to see an object of concern with our perceptive tool [eyes], till then all said & learnt is in soup of qualm & quandry.

    To witness an applied Understanding for PARA' PHYSICS  (Parapsychology), the concerned one must be attuned to that Vibrational Energy that rules the existence of the postion that is Beyond (Para) the Normal... as an Extant, then only the seer would claim within self to declare that...

    " YES...! Para' Physics is novel Science in its nascency, emerging as an appropriate path to understand the SPIRIT ; CONSCIUOSNESS" only by those selected few , who are indeed Nature's Selection as been attuned to witness and percieve an evidence of same by dint of "Objective Knowledge for Meta-Subjective Entity". Meantime, the zillions from the common streams will always sound their pseudo-opinions ruled by an unknown and non-realized essence of their Ignorance & Obscurity, which does imposes on them to say and plead that "this all is not real". Even the league of Science, except few calibrated Scientists, all prefer to elope to evade saving their ego from being trivalised by threat of they within the confines of Objectivity quantified and qualified only by Matter or All of Matter. Unto recent past where Sicence had endorsed its accpetance for beingness of an ANTI-MATTER...

    Through World of Oxford Dictionary, please do endeavour self to enhance your perspective Knowledge through search of the allied and varied meaning of words that starts from GNOSIS [ a genesis of Agnosis, Diagnosis, Prognosis] GNOME [ para'physic of Genome] , GENIE [para'physic of Gene] ... and such orientational vent & windows that can graduate yourself further to level of Realization & Enlightenment.

    Last not the Least, ONLY selected few people accross the globe do know the Esoterici

  3. That is what is nice about parapsychology, we get to define our own reality. Only once in a blue moon and high tide do we let a graduate of psychology peak in to our world.

    I've read all of these and many more but maybe the words are too big for you?

    Post graduate with a degree is a dummy with a sheepskin. It is hard to make the corner from a left brain thinker as the teaching system is in the US to a right brained thinker with the ability to have even the slightest insight to how reality works.

    The point is, it isn't enough to study about it to understand it. You must learn to put the principles into practice. Learn to Remote View, perform Energy Healing, you'll need to become one of us to be able to understand us.

    BUT - you'll also have to study religion to see what has been hidden from society through the ages. Why the Catholic Church blesses the throat the fifth chakra to make people more obedient to the church. What the Solfeggio tunes are and why they all but disappeared. The original intent of Chant.

    By the time you are knee deep in the mysticism of reality you'll no longer be surprised why civilization has taken the turn it has. I pray that even one of you make it out of the quagmire of left brain thinking to do more research in the field but I know it is like asking a Zebra to change it's stripes.

    Good luck with your studies anyways.

  4. this could be a leaping off point for you.

    As far as I could ever understood it, it means 'mind-chatter'.

    The general conscious of ourselves as a person and what makes us what we are. To draw a simple picture of a more complex answer -the cartoon picture of the guy trying to make a decision with the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other.

    Cheers ;)

  5. It depends on what you are referring to. If you are looking to further yourself with an additional graduate degree in parapsychology, you might find you have a hard time doing so. Currently, no accredited university in the United States offers that degree anymore. You might be able to work something out with a university board in designing your own degree in that field. However, that will most likely require more work on your part and for what outcome?

    No one gets paid for parapsychology research alone. People make their money in book writing, giving tours, or being a media celebrity. True research is not typically funded unless you can find that mysterious benefactor everyoe so desires. However, I cannot help you there. I have Googled "mysterious benefactor" many times and never once found one willing to support paranormal research.

    Unfortunately as time progresses, paranormal research is moving away from the "public sector" of universities and grant assisted programs and more toward the adventurous hobbyist. It is considered too much of a psuedo-science for grant givers to give it much thought.

  6. Being a post grad in psychology, makes you more qualified to answer this than most others who will.

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