
I am pr in nz , but i want to migrate to australia , hw can i go?

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i am pr in nz, i want to go to australia and seek for pr there as i cant wait to get citizen here for 5 years here, is there any procedure i can go there and work?




  1. Only New Zealand citizens have the right to enter and work freely in Australia. As a New Zealand PR, you will have to meet exactly the same requirements as if you were coming directly from your own country. There is no procedure that will allow you to circumvent Australia's very strict immigration rules.

    If you want to work here, you must have skills and qualifications in an occupation in which workers are needed in Australia and you must pass the points test and meet health, character and English language requirements.

    Better stay in NZ and wait until you qualify for citizenship.

  2. citizenship takes 4 years in australia

  3. Be very careful.  The Australian Government has recently been publicing the fact that they have woken up to undesirables sneaking in the back door through New Zealand - not suggesting you are an undesirable - but what people do is discover that they cannot gain entry to Australia for citizenship from other countries - then they discover that New Zealand has an almost open door policy - so they sneak in via New Zealand.  You could end up wasting your time and your money.

  4. There's no procedure, people in New Zealand are free to come live in Australia and vice versa. Just fly over here and you're as good as gold mate.

  5. You will have to go through a whole new process.  Waiting the 5 years for citizenship will work, you will then have your passport and can move freely.  You can be sponsored to work over here on a 457 visa.  You may be eligible to working holiday visas which will depend on your age and your country of origin.

    Ultimately there are a couple of ways to migrate, employer sponsored, the points system, I think there is also a special business one.  If you come permanently you will probably have to give up your NZ PR and if you only visit my understanding of NZ citizenship requirements, you are required to be in the country for a certain period of time each year for the time to count.

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