
I am pregnant, is it more likely to get sea sick?

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I'm in early pregnancy i just started throwing up last night (just my luck that it couldn't wait) i'm going on a 5 day cruise today is it more likely to get sea sick?




  1. might make you more sick with the boat moving.  

  2. Sea-bands.  They are these bracelet like things you put on your wrist with a little num on them.  It's supposed to work on a pressure point and help with sea sickness (since you won't be able to take any sea-sick meds).  Look for them in most drug stores.

  3. Oh yea. You will.

    You already have the sickness and you are going on a cruise. It won't be pleasant but I hope that it goes well

  4. Yes, most definitely you will get sick.  Purchase sea-bands, they are similar to something you wear in you hair, but are actually for your wrists, that have a little ball, that puts pressure on the inside of you wrist, which is a pressure point.  It's supposed to send a signal to the brain, that should help with sickness or nausea.  I've used them just at home, and they helped me.  You can also take some ginger candy to suck on, and maybe ask your doctor what else you can do.  Hope you still have fun, try and take it easy if you can.

    Edit:  I didn't realize some else already mentioned sea-

    bands, but we're obviously on the same page.

  5. Well everyone is different, but, I live on an island and have to travel overnight on a ferry to get to the mainland. I never get seasick even when it's really rough, apart from when I'm pregnant! I could use it as a pregnancy test. When I was pregnant with my 4th I travelled on the ferry and my period wasn't even due for another week.I started being sick 20 minutes in to the journey and was sick all night! Found out I was pregnant a couple of weeks later! You could try thosesea bandss. Sorry I couldn't be more positive and hope it all goes well. Look on the bright side. You've already been sick, so could you really feel much worse? And sickness is a good sign that there are plenty of pregnancy hormones! :) Good luck.  

  6. you probably will be more sick from the baby then the sea.

  7. yes but have you tried "sea bands"??? They are fantastic and really work for motion sickness AND morning sickness!

  8. If you already have morning sickness I would think it would make it worse.  Ask your doctor about those little sticky things (I can't think of the proper name for them) that you can get to go behind your ear before you go on the cruise.  That may help.

  9. Hmm take pills is they're safe when your pregnant! I remember I took these certain kind of pills that keep sickness away the whole cruise. It started with a P. And every morning I ate it with a cookie or something lol. good luck

  10. If you are already vomiting, I think a boat would make it worse! Sorry!  

  11. you'll probably get more morning sickness then sea sick

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