
I am pregnant a just had red discharge! Should i be worried ???

by  |  earlier

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should i be concerned about thisbefore i found out i was preg i had brownish pinkish discharge now im bleeding a little bit !!! im worried ? is this a misscarriage i dont have any pain ?




  1. Doesn't sound like it.  I had spotting when I was pregnant for the first time.  It only showed up in my underwear or when I wiped.  My explanation from the doctor was that the mucous plug had some extra mucous and blood vessels that form with it and during walking, some exercise or discharge I could have some that shows up.  If it's off and on for a couple of days, stops, comes back here and there, it's more than likely ok.  I had it like this for about 4 months.  If it's like a menstral flow or it's really heavy, I'd call your care provider or go to emergency.  Mine started when I was about 7 weeks and lasted until the middle of pregnancy.  If there is no pain, you're probably more than likely ok.  If it changes and you feel any pain down there and it's more than a light cramping feeling (dull feeling) than I'd call your care provider.  If you're nervous and want answers, call them anyways and they'll do an exam.  It's better to be safe than sorry.  The first month after I had mine I was in the emergency room about 3 times a week.  They got so annoyed they tried to send me home or make me wait for hours.  The last and final time I was there about 7 hours and the nurse said it'd be a long wait still.  I said fine that I wasn't leaving this time without an explanation.  I finally got it.  The brownish pinkish discharge you likely had was implantation bleeding or some old blood.

  2. Depends on how far along you are.  You should always have bleeding "checked out" by your doctor, but it is a really good sign that you aren't cramping.  It isn't uncommon to bleed a little bit in the first trimester.

  3. how far along are you?

  4. Call your doctor.

  5. yes worried you should go to the hospital right now

  6. Well there really isnt enough information but, if there was a lot of blood you should contact your dr immediately.  If you had intercourse in the last 24 hours even 48 hours you probably broke a vessel on the cervix and that could be what is causing your bleeding, I would still call your doctor due to the fact that you had bloody discharge at the beginning of your pregnancy.

  7. if you have any blood during pregnancy you are supposed to call your midwife or doctor right away.  if you don't have one then go to the hospital.

  8. I would go to the ER right away.

  9. I have been pregnant and miscarried a few times but I have also carried and delivered a child.  Some discharge at the beginning of a pregnancy is normal.  However if accompanied by a fever, cramping or lots of bleeding or passing of lcots then head straight for the ER.  If its just a small amount make an appt with your OB/GYN and tell him/her about it.  Good Luck

  10. i had bleeding at abt 8 weeks but then the pregnancy carried on , then i had bleeding when i was 12 weeks along and had a miscarriage , i suggest go to ER and have ur self checked .and relaxxxx i knw its hard to rite now but hopefully all will be good as u dunt have any cramps.hw far along u ?

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