
I am pregnant and I have headache..?

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do you know what is wrong with me or how I can handle it? I don't want to take any medicament...




  1. relax drink lots of fluids take a nap watch a movie

  2. Close the blinds, rest your eyes, maybe take a bath, and drink a lot of fluids, if you have a bf or a husband ask him to give you a neck rub, or a temple rub.

  3. i think they said Tylenol can be use by pregnant ladies im not really for sure.

    look on the box or something  

  4. If it is so bad that you can't sleep go ahead and take two tylenol and relax, why should you be in pain?  

  5. Drink lots of water. But with my first baby I had headache's all day long all the time. It was like it never went away. Till my 3rd trimester. Then it was all good. Well good luck.  

  6. i too had these horrible headaches. i took tylonel and nothing ever worked. i finally said something to my doctor who gave me a script of furinol.. with tylonel.. in it... and they really worked!!! i only took a few. but then when it told my doc i was alil scared of taking too much of that medication he wouldnt give me more and told me i had to see a neurologist.. i neva went.. lol.. but he ordered my another script it was..  COFFEE! 2 or 3 cups a day, and even since then ive been fine. no headaches ..  

  7. Could be blood pressure. It goes up when your in pain i.e headaches.

    Go to your local fire station or drug store where they have the self checkers to see how high it is.

    My sister is 5 months along and went to the fire station to have her's checked ( really bad headache) they sent her to the ER because ir was so high

  8. Something cold and wet on your head. Rest your eyes. I take 8 hour tylenol. The pharmacy and doc said it was okay for me in the 1st trimester.

  9. i feel that way sometimes i drink a glass of cold milk and take a nap, it's the only thing that helps me.i hope you feel better!!!!!!

  10. Have an o****m hun.

  11. ok you and I are in the same boat here! I have been having headaches every day for the past two weeks! I saw my Doc's nurse last Wed and she told me just take Tylenol only, can not take anything else! She also said to let me Doc know if they don't go away by my next app., which is on the 8th, which they will probably do another test!

    Sorry, just take extra strength Tylenol and put a wet towel on your head, also when I breath through my month it really makes it feel better! Hope this works for you, good luck and Congrats!

  12. Drink some water and take a nap.

  13. Headaches during pregnancy (especially early pregnancy) are often due to the mass amount of new hormones your body is accommodating. Tylenol (acetaminophen) is perfectly fine to take and it will not harm the baby. Ibuprofen, however, is debate-able and is best to stay away from unless you first seek out a doctors advice.

  14. Taking a nap always gets rid of my headaches

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