
I am pregnant and I would like to give my baby up to adoption and I'd like some help?

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Hi I'm pregnant due in September and I would like to give up my baby to adoption. I live in California and I have already contacted some agencies.

What I would like is some advice from other birthmoms or people who have experience with adoptions. I'm nearly 100% sure I want to do this but the agencys offer me counselling that I'll have once I pick an agency to go with.

But does anyone have any advice to help me this is a very big decision I'm going through, please no judgements. Thank you.




  1. I  was given up for adoption when I was an infant. It was the most loving and unselfish thing my mother could have ever done for me. I was given such a gift and my life was forever changed. I was able to get a college education and be very successful. My family who adopted me were able to provide me with everything my mother wasn't able to because she was young. The most important thing in adoption is finding a couple who has a strong family, financially secure to offer your child and education and everything else they will ever need, and a house that has love beyond words to give!!!

    I always knew I was adopted and every day I am so thankful and feel so blessed for the life she allowed me to have. I can only say that it is a hard thing to do, but I am proof that pure love of a birthmother can open doors for the future for their child.

    My husband and I are now in the process of wanting to adopt. We have an amazing life and I want to give back, what was given to me. If I can help you in any way please let me know. I wish you the very best and if you ever want to talk you can contact me



  2. please contact me asap thanks

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