
I am pregnant but have really low hcg levels?

by  |  earlier

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I have done 5 hpt now and they are getting darker and darker quicker but on monday i had a blood test and my hcg levels were only 165 and they said i was 5 weeks pregnant which was when i last had my period but i only implanted i think on the thursday before. i am waiting until monday for a ultra scan but not sure they'll be able to see anything that early. my b***s have been sore but i'm not really tired but saying that i haven't been working very hard so not much to get tired from as i have cut back at the gym too.

I hope everything is ok on monday! has anyone else had low hcg and then had a healthy pregnancy???




  1. i dont want to scare u stace i fell pregnant last mth but unfortunately 5 days after my expected period i started bleeding they did a HCG test and it came back as 4.This mth i fell pregnant again had HCG test this time it was 56 the doctor said i was just pregnant but 6 days after my expected period i bled again i found out its called a chemical pregnancy another name is very early miscarriage and my HCG levels kept dropping but that is not the case with everyone when their HCG levels drop.I hope all goes well with u.

  2. Really what they should have done was to repeat your bloods on the wednesday, they are supposed to double within 48hrs to show a viable pregnancy.  The levels of HCG at 5wks should be in the region of 19-7340.  At 5wks with my 1st pregnancy mine were only 71 and within 48hrs they had dropped to 15, HOWEVER i had bleeding and slight cramping so i already had m/c symptons.  With my 2nd i had bloodwork done early on and at almost 4wks it was 146 and within 48hrs it has risen to 364 which did show a viable pregnancy, i had an early scan at 4wks 5days and all they could see at this stage was the sac, it was 6wks5days when i saw the fetal pole and heartbeat.  I would say from the range of hcg levels that you should be ok as you do not mention experiencing any m/c symptons.  Good luck

  3. My hcg levels were so low when I was pregnant that it would not even show up in a urine test.  I just sensed that I was pregnant when I fainted for the first time in my life.  I convinced the doctor to give me a blood test and sure enough i was 3 weeks pregnant.  It could just be that you are not as far as they said you were and you are right they probably wont be able to see anything until at least 6 - 8 weeks.  I know because I had severe implantation pain with my daughter and they actually thought the egg might have been caught in the tube.  I was only early stages and had to put up with the pain for ages until i could get a scan.  The tiredness will come at about 8 weeks so don't be alarmed that you are not tired yet.  I have been pregnant 4 times and all of them I found out really early.  I just knew and so i made the doctor do a test.  And of course I was right and I just loved saying I told you so to the doctor. ha ha.  I was actually 2 weeks late for my period on two of the pregnancies and still only 3 weeks pregnant.  Apparently my eggs last alot longer than most women's and so I am still fertile past day 12-14 of my cycle.  You might just be the same and you may just be a little earlier than you think you are.  Hope this helps.  By the way that same child is now 7 years old and healthy as a horse.

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