
I am pregnant just took a home test and it was very positive? I have some concerns?

by Guest62483  |  earlier

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I was one day late for my period I gave birth to a son a year and a few months ago he was born early and died I am scared for various reason but happy I dont know if I should even get excited about it and get hurt. I am tired breast are sore stoamch bothering me a little I am taking prenatal pills doctor put me on them after the loss of my son and I go to the doctor next week. I am wondering how far along can I be since my LMP was exactly 30 days ago could I be more than 4 weeks? and should I stop worrying because this pregnancy isnt like the last and I have a new doctor as well who knows my history.




  1. You should be fine.  You are most likely still only 4 weeks pregnant, even with a cycle of 30 days.  Call your doctor to set up an appt.  They may want to see you sooner because of your history.

    Good luck and stay healthy!

  2. Congrats on the pregnancy! I'm sure it's a little scary and exciting at the same time given your history.  For now, be sure to stay on your prenatal vitamins, take it easy on yourself, and try not to stress.  Be sure to bring up your concerns with the doctor - what you are feeling is very normal and I'm sure he can even recommend someone for you to talk with professionally if you'd like.  

    As far as how far along you are, I believe they count from the first day of you last period, so medically speaking you'd be 30 days.  An ultrasound will help you know for sure.

    Best wishes on a healthy pregnancy and baby!

  3. Well every pregnancy is different, so I've heard(I'm ttc # 2) but my pregnancy test with my daughter was the same way, I was only about a month along and the thing turned positive before I could sit it on the edge of the tub, lol. If your LMP was 30 days ago, you are probably only 3 weeks tops, depending on when you ovulate(all the quick test indicates is a lot of hormones). As long as you recieve proper prenatal care, there is a good chance of having a perfectly healthy baby, although you will be at risk to deliver prematurely again. Worrying so much isn't good for you or the baby, so try to relax. Discuss these things with the doctor next week and see if he/she has any suggestions. Good luck!

  4. I am so sorry for your loss and happy for your new blessing.  I would also be scared and feel alot of trepidation with a new pregnancy after such a loss.  That's normal.  You're probably only 2 weeks past conception, but 4 weeks pregnant as it's counted by docs.

  5. don't worry for one its bad for you the baby and your complexion. and if you have any worries go see your doc. sooner every pregnancy is different so you can have a miscarriage or still birth(I'm so sorry) and have a completely "normal" and healthy pregnancy the next time. i would talk your concerns over with your doc. don't be shy that's what their there for. and for the sake of you and your baby stop worrying.

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