
I am probably normal but i think i have a mental health disorder?

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I am very paranoid, i can't even go downstairs in my own home at night, and i have these horrid thoughts that someone is out to get me and also i keep thinking about people shootin me. I am very obsessive to, i have to get everythin right and i end up having to know like everything about my favourite bands and actors. I used to have voices in my head, not tellin me to do bad things but they would talk to me. I can also swing from being happy and bubbly to angry and depressed veryquickly. I used to think i had Schizophrenia but i doubt i do now do you think i am bi-polar? or maybe do you tink i have OCD or paranoid personality disorder (wanna b a shrink learin wahat al meantal health prbs r c wat i mean?!) thanks




  1. First of all definately go to a doctor as soon as possible because what is going on is really serious.  You definately have a mental disorder and it sounds like either OCD or heavy heavy Anxiety or maybe bipolar disorder.  This is definately something that you need checked out as soon as possible because it will take over your life.  

    Best of luck

  2. Okay, I'll play shrink.  I reckon you have generalized anxiety order which is causing your paranoia.  Your mood swings can be caused by bipolar disorder.  OCD falls under the anxiety order btw.  

    Now that I've been shrink, it's time to see a real one.  You can be helped with your symptoms.  They're obviously uncomfortable.  Why suffer needlessly?  

    Go see a shrink, tell him/her exactly what you wrote, and you will then be helped.  What you are experiencing is quite common.  So don't worry that you'll freak anyone out.  They've seen this a gazillion times.   Good luck and feel better.

  3. I'm bipolar and I've never had anything like you have.  I'd say OCD or paranoia (perhaps schizo, but that's a total stretch), but you have to go to a doctor, I don't pretend to be one.

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