Anti-Americanism must stop. I mean, people are actually comparing the USA to n**i Germany. Okay, our government and president sucks (of course, we all know that from all the media)! But it seems as though people only highlight the flaws of our nation and just judge us by that. Our country invaded Iraq and killed innocent civilians (Wasn't it Al Qaeda who set out to kill as many Shias as possible to create a civil war?), but does our nation really deserve the much hatred? Have a glance at Darfur in the Sudan. We are the biggest feeder on the planet, the biggest charitable giver on the planet and the most productive country on the planet. Where else in the world does a country turn $1 in crude oil into $110 in goods and services? Why would millions of Mexican immigrants come to the US, if our country is like n**i Germany? Why would my parents from Columbia and Mexico emigrate to the US if they didn't think it was a better country to live in?