
I am psychologically damaged... is that what caused me to sleep with another man...?

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Why do some Christians like to reason from their behinds to justify their hatred?




  1. **** 'em, do as you please my g*y friend

  2. Christianity is all about controlling the masses.

    As with any religion.

    A true Christian would not care what you do in bed, and if they did they would not tell you or judge you.

    But too often people call themselves Christians when what they really are are sheep who believe what their pastor/minister/reverand tells them to believe.

    The Christians I know who have studied the bible, and believe in Jesus' teachings, have not once told me it's wrong for me to be g*y, nor have they ever, ever, ever said I was mentally or pyscologically damaged. In fact they are loving, caring, generous and kind to me, and welcome my girlfriends with loving arms.


  3. Why does everyone accuse anyone different from them of hatred?

    Everyone likes to reason from their behind, I'm sure you do it all the time.

  4. No, that's just who you are.

    They like doing that because that is the only available source for their hatred. Nothing else can justify it.

  5. huh?

  6. There are thousands of Christian denominations. Some (the minority) have shunned and condemned both the homosexual act and the perpetrators; others (like the Roman Catholic Church) have been more compassionate and called the faithful to hate the sin but love the sinner ; others yet, have glorified homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle, ordaining priest and bishops who openly practice it. Your comment regarding the way some Christians think does not clearly identify those Christians you are talking about so I’ll try to answer your question from the perspective of the Roman Catholic Church. With respect to the damage you bear, I empathize with you and assure you of my (Christian) love but the truth is, as we walk through life we all sustain a tremendous amount of damage in every areas of our life ; psychological, emotional, genetical, spiritual, relational, physical, financial etc… ; as we grow older (and we all do) the slow process of death takes its toll ; some of us can bear the loss and go on while the rest of us stumble on outlets that may correspond to our unique and particular make-up ; the homosexual act can be such an outlet ; it can be a refuge, a place of rest and abandonment for the weary and it might make a lot of sense to those of us who have not yet discovered the greater solace of a (holy) personal relationship with Christ ; but ultimately, the homosexual act is only a temporary reality that fades away in the harshness of egocentrism, avidity, sickness and death. Like all sins, it leads to a dead end . Christians know that, because they trust the counsel of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of their particular tradition ; but Christians do not always know how to convey this knowledge to those of us who have fallen into the homosexual trap and oftentimes their clumsy labor of love is interpreted as hatred.

  7. If u feel u are then u are.

    However, u control ur feelings.

    So, in the cold light of day, make a decision about the the future and dint look back on the past. Be happy with your considered choices. U have the right!

  8. Nothing caused you to sleep with a man, you chose to.

    Your second question doesn't apply to me because I don't hate anyone. Even if I don't agree with a person's actions, that doesn't mean I hate them. What a waste of time it would be if I just looked for weak justification to spend my time being angry and self-righteous.

  9. No, you're not psychologically damaged. Most Christians would tell you that it's the sin manifesting itself through your genes.

  10. As a christian that slept with another man... Did you use your behind to justify your anger?

    Badda beam badda boom!

  11. religion has nothing to do with reality, don't be disturbed by the X-ians, they hate others because it distracts them from their hatred of themselves.  pity them

  12. No it was SIN.  


    Sick people go to the Hospital or Doctor's Office and get medicine.  Hungry people go to a Grocery Store and get food.  Sinners go to Church and get forgiven.

    God bless you.

  13. If a Christian hates you for that, then what they are doing is far worse than what they believe you are wrong for.

    I'm a Christian with homosexual friends and I care very much for them, although I believe that their chosen lifestyle isn't in line with the Bible.  I think many people lead lives that are averse to the Bible but, it doesn't mean that anyone should hate them.  One problem is that sometimes people have what seems to be an irresistible urge to do something wrong and they justify their own actions, just like you are accusing Christians of doing.  Just ask a pedophile how difficult it is to resist the urge.  But, pedophilia is widely rejected and and it doesn't matter how strong the urge is, it should never happen.  I'm not comparing you to a pedophile, it's just an example of an urge that is condemned by society.

    If there are Christians that are showing hatred toward you, I apologize for them.  I'm sorry that you've been treated that way, that isn't how Jesus taught us.  In fact Jesus condemned the very ones that treated people that way, he called them a "generation of vipers."  

    Again, I'm very sorry you've been treated that way but, at the same time you need to realize that just because you have an overwhelming urge to do something doesn't mean that it's just who you are or what you should be.  I've been fighting with an urge to view pornography since I was very young (8 or 9) but, I still believe it's wrong and I should never just accept it as "who I am."  

    I hope you can hear me with an open mind.  I do understand that some people are more inclined to feel sexually attracted to the same s*x but, I believe my Bible too and it isn't a book of hatred.

    I hope you have better experiences with caring Christian people in the future.

  14. Crazy people in glass houses of God love to throw stones but not to watch the foundations crumble because its built on their hate and fear and not on Gods love.

  15. I'd say not, but counseling is something I'd suggest anyway. Nobody should have to walk around feeling damaged.

  16. You are rejecting your natural desire for a woman for whatever reason. You were abused, molested, had a overbearing mother or a distant father etc... something. Maybe you just hate God and wanted to be rebellious.  Even someone who calls them-self a Christian can have hatred. God doesn't despise people. He hates the evil things we do to each other and wants us to have joy,peace, and hope. Ironically if we did what he said and loved each other we would have joy, peace, and hope but for the most part people reject doing what God says, even some Christians, so we have strife, hate, fear, suffering and death. The exact opposite of what God wanted.

  17. Because they're crazy. Obviously.

  18. I think Christians believe it is the other way around, meaning you are psychologically damaged because you slept with another man.

    Not all Christians believe that.

  19. Yes, you are psychologically damaged. The truth is we all are. The only hypocritical Christian would be one that claims to innocent in some way.

    Homosexuality is a sin. When God created a man and a women He instituted marriage. He created this family unit with His very nature in mind. He just doesn't create things for no good reason.  He has a relationship within the trinity and Christ has a relationship with the church and it is these relationships that marriage is based on.

    We all have sin-full tendencies. When we start to indulge our sin nature, after enough time it starts to feel like it becomes a part of us.

    Some people are born to lie. They lie all the time. Something in them and in their past began that cycle. Now it is hard to tell the truth.

    Some people love to steal. The indulged that lust and now they are so consumed with it they always steal everything they can get their hands on.

    A lot of people have sexual sins that they live with. This is probably one of the top sin areas for people. When we practice sexual sins for many years starting with early puberty, they can consume us and feel like they are a part of us. That is the same with homosexuality.

    No one should hate you for what you do. God does not hate you. He does have to hate your sin though. Sin is anything that goes against His very nature. It is that very Holy and righteous nature that eternally sustains Him.He CANNOT allow any corruption to dwell with Him.

    That is why we need Jesus Christ. When we repent of our sins and follow Jesus, we are placed under Jesus's righteousness. When God looks at us He doesn't see our sin-full deeds. He only sees Jesus's righteousness. If you are not under Jesus's righteousness and you stand before God, you will be judged. That will be a very dreadfull day. You will realize the Holy Righteousness of God and His wonderfull power that He used to make this whole world for us. This world is so amazingly complex and our bodies are so amazing, He just thought it all up and spoke it all into existance. (Don't believe that evolution c**p, those scientists are Huministic Naturalists, they have to find a naturalistic mechanism for life's existance. Every discovery is always interpreted under naturalism's absolute moral law. It is their religion. If you think a lilly pad can turn into a tiger you are a fool)

    You will realize that by His word this world is sustained every second and in our bodies and in this world sustained by His Grace every second we only did and thought evil against Him. This is what we will be judged on. It will be a scary sad day.

    Trust Jesus, learn the bible, find a small good church that teaches you the bible. Get some help.

  20. How about you get a belt and hang yourself from your closet

  21. Why do some atheists claim Christians are ignorant when they disagree with them?

    Christians consider somethings immoral (homosexuality being one). There are plenty of arguments on both sides of the issue. Why do some people consider the death penalty immoral (killing a guilty person), but the death of innocent fetii is okay?

    Have you actually tried to understand the other side before calling them ignorant?

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