
I am quitting smoking is there any side effects from champix tablets?

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I am quitting smoking is there any side effects from champix tablets?




  1. expect nightmares

  2. I will give you a full answer here. I gave up with CHAMPIX  14 weeks ago, I gave smoking up  2 weeks after starting the tablets as agreed with the doctor. This seems to be important, as if to get the stuff into your system I guess. I smoked for 42 years and never thought I would stop so I was really sceptical but at the end of that 2 weeks I was beginning to not want a ciggie. I had no cravings as I have in the past when I have tried, no mood swings and no needing to eat more. A couple of times I wanted a smoke so I didn't go to the shops and be tempted. The only side effect I got was I took my tablets at 8am and 8pm,  after the 8am tab I would have the most terrible stomach cramps. So I took them at 11 and 11 and the problem stopped. I went to my Nurse after 6 weeks and was told my lungs were clear and that I had no trace of Carbon Monoxide in me . Then last week I saw my Doctor and he said my blood pressure is correct (the 1st time in 6 years) and that my weight was the same as when I started . Today I have the last 2 weeks tabs unopened , I dont smoke, and I feel so much better. These tablets are a complete miracle. Sorry its so long but I wanted to tell you and I hope you stick with it, good luck.    

  3. look it up on the net, there have been cases of adverse side effects. Why not try nicotine patches, they do work and you use them for about six weeks, starting off with the strongest

  4. It was recently taken off the market (known as "Chantix" here) in the US because of adverse effects.

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