
I am rajat martha, whether i belongs to OBC or not??

by  |  earlier

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i am from orissa




  1. That is nice. What is OCB and where is orissa and what does your posting have to do with royalty ?

  2. And?

    Edit.......Well,it has now been twenty hours,since I first stumbled upon this statement,with a couple of question marks on the end and have lost sleep worrying that my level of English is just not adequate.I am at a loss as to understand the abbreviation "OBC" is it Outward Bound Connections? Obese Bread Consumers? Overly Bewildered Chairman? Ostentatious Brand Consumer? Overt Board Controller?Orthodox Boxing Committee?Please,for the love of god,put us out of our misery and tell us what OBC means.Your reward will be in heaven,Jesus loves,The Eternal light,Bread is always cheaper before closing time.God giveth and god taketh away.I do believe I am rambling.

  3. OBC  Order of Battered Concubines, perhaps.

  4. I do not know if you belong to the Order of British Columbia,but I have a feeling that if you were a member you would know already and wouldn't have to post your question here!

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