
I am really close on my axle! I just cant one foot it!

by  |  earlier

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I really need help on it becuase my coach(bestfriend) is getting really madd and we havent been as close. so any tips? i get full rotation.




  1. Stay over your right side (I'm assuming you are a counter-clockwise skater if not your left side). When you pull your arms in pull them towards your right side and that should help you land it on one foot.

  2. Stay toward the right side (or the left if you aren't a counter-clockwise skater) and when you pull in your arms, pull in toward you (either right or left).

    I would also recommend a new coach, because having your best friend as a coach is bad, because if your fighting (like you sort of are now) it could affect your skating, and if you fight bad enough you could end up without a coach, which is very bad.  

  3. it's all a mind game. you just have to think, check out, check out, check out. also make sure to point your toes and lift your left hip. and check out really strongly with your arms. hope that helps!  

  4. Practice doing a waltz/loop combo.  It really forces you to keep your free leg in tight within the half rotation in order to get the loop right.

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