
I am really depressed HELP!?

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Its been going on for a while now. It first started with little phobias and now I'm afraid of almost everything. I have a boyfriend and i just want to be with him all the time because it is the only thing that makes me feel better. now he's going to college and I'm a junior in high school, I just have this bad depression but I can't talk to my parents about it cause all they do is tell me to go pray and read the bible. they dont understand. I tell my boyfriend and he doesn't seem to understand either. maybe its because he cant do much about it either.

The bottom line is. I'm supper worried of him being away from me for the whole week, I am kinda addictive to my boyfriend and just being around him. and I think about suicide a lot. and I mean A LOT! It's just hard for me to socialize and think of things other than my boyfriend. the fact of him going to college makes me feel a little insecure. and I am afraid of bogus things like sleeping @ night with the lights turned off and stuff. but My biyfriend can't spend the night with me because parents think we are going to make out, even thiugh I know we won't. I trust him a lot.

What should I do about the depression and phobias and about being "addicted" to my boyfriend?




  1. Thais,There is nothing completely wrong with you.  It seems that you are totally in love with this boyfriend.  This love isn't wrong.  What is wrong that I can see is the fact that your parents sound like they do not want to help.  Also,It is wrong to feel that your boyfriend doesn't share the same emotions towards this parting.  Does he surprise you with gifts?  Have you ever thought about writing him from time to time?  You have any stuffed animals in your bedroom?  I have a few that I keep close by just in case of nightmares.  Yes,I do have nightmares every once in a while.  Anytime you feel scared or insecure,You hold that stuffed animal close to your heart.  Imagine that this stuffed animal is your boyfriend and you never want to let him go.  Have faith in your boyfriend.  And please,Cheer up.  Everything will be just fine.  I am for certain that he probably feels the same way too.  This boyfriend does love you,Sometimes it is hard for men to express their feelings towards their women.  If you ever and I mean ever have considerations towards suicide,I want you to contact me,Alright?  Many of people love you and wouldn't want to see you end your life because of this.  You have so much to live for.  Well,Right now,It may seem you have another friend that cares about you.  I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.  I may be just a stranger now.  But I am a stranger that cares.  The name is David and it's an honor to write you.  I've gotta split now.  You have a good day and please smile,Okay?  God bless.  Bye for now.

  2. You should print out this question and give it to your parents.  Even with the comment about them.  Give them a chance to right the ship for you meaning make an appointment to talk to an actual psychiatrist who can help you.  If they won't, go to see the school counselor when you get to school.  Do that as a last resort.  

    Tell your parents you are serious and need help that you cannot, at this time of your life, find in the bible.

    I am a christian.  While I get a lot of comfort and answers in the bible, sometimes there is something wrong in our bodies that make it unable to cope with life's circumstances without professional guidance.  Sometimes we need temporary help to get over the hump.

    If you are thinking about suicide, you have to insist on help.  It works.  Make sure the person you get you are comfortable with.  If you aren't you have to tell your parents.

  3. You are young, and your hormones are reaching great highs and lows.  Hang in there and get some counseling.  Start with your school counselor and see you family doctor.  Can you talk to your mom, or someone you admire and respect?

    I believe if you get this out in the open, it can be solved.  It is too much to handle on your own.  Been there!

    God Bless and good luck!


  4. i think you need something to do that you really like, or just something to distract you. Get a job, or a pet, or a hobby, anything you like to do or thought you might be interested. Try getting a night light or a bright digital clock, that way its not completely dark, just a little. And write everything your feeling down, you said you couldn't talk with your parents, so just write it down. you don't have to keep it. Write it down then rip it up and throw it away. It will help.

  5. I'm addicted to Meth.  I bet you and your biyfriend have too much anal s*x.  That'll make you use depends, I mean be depressed.  I'd advise you start trying to suck a golf ball through a garden hose and carry that trait to the bedroom.  

  6. you need to realize how silly your being your old enough to look after yourself and nothing irrational will happen you.Go and relax somewhere and figure out your life goals and what your gonna do.just in your head work it out

  7. Women tend to worry about losing their men.  Just try to relax.  If you trust him and you know he won't do anything to hurt you just take it easy.

    He'll be back.  It's always hard to part when the relationship is fresh and new.  It will be good for the both of you to experience this hardship.  

    When he comes back you'll feel rejuvenated and ready to continue the love.

    Try to be introspective while he's gone.  Meaning look inside yourself and learn about who you are.  It takes most people their entire lives to understand who they are.  Don't lose sight of yourself.  You can make it without him, you have to learn to depend on yourself for comfort.

    I hope I've helped.  You'll be fine, I've been through the same with my girlfriend, and she was gone for two months.  But we are still together after three years and going strong.

  8. well...this thing is really serious..if ur parents can't understand try and speak with someone else from the family...or go ur self maybe with ur boyfriend to a psychiatric and try to get some's serious and u have to speak with someone....

  9. watch cartoons like simpsons and family that helps me over depressions but i guess im just weird :p

  10. You need to go to church and talk to God. Your parents are right, God is the answer. It really is. I dealt with the same thing before, and I am not a super chirstian, but God did help me out.

  11. okay first off, ur in junior high, and ur boyfriend is starting college..... um... thats illegal. he can get into alot of trouble.  

    and please don't kill urself, it doesn't solve anything, it just makes things worse, ur friends and family will be really sad.  and then usualy when a couple loses there child, then they divorce. it's sad but true.

    u need to get ahold of urself, ur young and have ur whole life ahead... take a couple deep breaths.

    r u afraid of the dark?, i am... what i do, is have a lava lamp on when i am sleeping, and i put on music. puts me right to sleep... and it's calming... (i hate silence)

    and ur boyfriend, u need to give him sum space.... guys don't usualy like it when there girlfriend is smuthering them.  caz then they get tired of there girlfriend, and it usually ends bad.  (sorry to say, but true)  just take it day by day, get sum sleep too. ... maybe if ur parents let u, get a tharapist...  they listen.  i hope sum of this helps.... but please... don't kill urself. it's not the answer.  ur life is a special thing, and a gift.  travel the world when u grow up, go to college, be sumthing great.

  12. This is going to sound dumb, but start listening to bands like Fall out boy and Senses Fail. It'll make you feel better and you might be able to relate to some of their songs if you understand the lyrics. Maybe you can talk your parents into taking you to a therapist. I know you don't want to hear it, but yahoo answers isn't the best way to solve depression.

  13. Well youre "depression" is coming from you boyfriend leaving. You are young and this is probably the furst guy you really like and thats fine. But it is not fine to be suicidal over a guy. I understand that you are insecure, but you need to look at things a different way. Be happy that he is going to college. Its a part of most young peoples lives when they leave high school. Someday if you choose to, will be going off to college. Just relax and realize that this is what happens.

    As far as your boyfriend staying the night at your house, your parents have a reason. You say that you guys arent going to do anything but things always turn out a bit different than you planned.

    Keep your head up and be patient.

  14. u need to get laid

  15. See a doctor. They can help you. If you are thinking about suicide, you need outside help from a professional. Seek a school councilor for a reference.

  16. confront ur phobias, for instance theres nothing to be scared of the dark, and u shouldnt get too serious with the relationship because ur only a junior. u have too much time ahead of u

  17. A lot of people go through this. More than you realize. If your parents don't understand, or won't help, sorry but there is something wrong with them. Perhaps you are afraid of them? Seems like it since you can't talk to them. You're not being forceful enough towards them. Scream at them HELP ME! I AM AFRAID!!!!! If they fail you, you must go on your own to the hospital, or a doctor. A hospital will take you. Tell them what is going on with you. You don't need a parents permission, just go. If you won't help yourself, and no one else, like your parents will, then you're doomed.

    There is always a way out, take care of it. If you kill yourself, then you lose. Go to the hospital, no consequences to you can be worse than giving-up and dying at your own hand.

  18. Sometimes when we are so depressed it can be a chemical imbalance, so ask your parents if they will let you go to your doctor.  Ask to speak to the doctor alone and tell him what you have told us here.  Hopefully, he can determine what you need to do.  It is soooooooooooooo important that you get help..  I would also talk to the counselor at school  immediately, you need help but need to talk to a professional or your preacher.  Please realize that there is so much to live for.  I will be praying for you.

  19. As for your phobias you must face your fears to conquer them.Face the object of your fear gradually until you conquer it completely.There is no other way to defeat your fears.Every next time in facing your fear will be a little bit easier until the fear goes away completely.

    Depression is caused by the lack of serotonin in your brain which is caused by the lack of omega 3 fatty acids in your brain.A deficiency that most of the humans on this planet have.

    Start the omega 3 diet.I have researched omega 3 acids for 2 years and performed a very successful experiment on myself and few of my volunteer friends.Few months of the omega 3 diet i cured my stress[and/or depression] problems permanently and significantly raised my intelligence,improved memory,sight,reflexes[and many other known and unknown benefits]and without any drugs or supplements in the form of pills.

    Take two table spoons of grinded flaxseed[rich with omega 3 and cheap]a day[with a glass of water] and in a few months you will start to notice significant improvement in your mental health[you will become more psychologically stable,among other things].Use a coffee grinder.Whole seeds cannot be digested by the hydrochloric acid in our stomach only grinded seeds.A fact and not a assumption.You have nothing to loose only gain by it.There are many articles on the internet about the omega 3.2 years ago before i started the diet i did not feel so stable or happy how i feel today.

    Flax is the best source of ALA omega 3 fatty acid which our body converts to more important fatty acids called DHA and EPA.For the efficient conversion to take place,foods containing a large amount of the following nutrients must be consumed along with the flaxseed:C,B3,B6 [vitamins],zink and Magnesium [minerals].I recommend 3 table spoons of flax with 100 grams[or more if to your liking] of almonds and/or 250g of green peas,1 kiwi every day.[do not take more then 3 table spoons of flax because large amounts can cause intestinal gases which can cause abdominal pain and/or constipation.If three spoons causes abdominal discomfort lower the dosage to 2 table spoons of grinded flax and elevate it to 3 table spoons after your body adapts to high fiber content].The flaxseed itself is not important.The omega 3 that are inside them are.

    The information in the following link should provide you with the nutritional facts of most if not all known fruits and


  20. first of all, having suicidal thoughts is a problem. you may need to see a doctor.  

  21. i think that you should go see a doctor.

    medicine can work miracles. just dont get addicted to it. =]

  22. listen to ALOT of stevie wonder

  23. you need to go see a doctor and tell him whats been going on in your life and don't forget to tell him or her about what your thoughts about suicide, that's something you don't fool around with.If you do nothing to help yourself then chances are your boyfriend will have to take some time off from college and attend your funeral.Cuz the course of suicide is just a downwards hill to death. please for the sake of yourself go get some help or at least call the suicide hotline. You have so much to live for don't kill yourself. Take care of yourself and good luck.

  24. if have enough money go to spa


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