
I am really depressed about how i look, how can i become pretty?

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pretty girls are so lucky, people bend over backwards for them (i see it all the time) while few are willing to go out of their way for the average overweight middle aged woman.

now i am 22, tall and thin (5'8" 120 lbs)... but do not have a pretty face mostly because i have a round face and a tendency for a double chin. what can i do to look better?




  1. I think you are freaking gorgeous.

    Don't change anything about how you look!!

  2. Where do you keep the double chin?  It's sure not in that picture!

    I suggest two things: First, smile.  A LOT.  This will naturally draw up the corners of your mouth, naturally brightening up your expression.  In this picture, your face expresses the same emotion as your question.  A relaxed face betrays the most common mindset of its owner.

    Second, you have cool features and a lot of good hair to work with.  Have it styled by a high-end professional, the kind who will have you meet for consultation a time or two before actually getting out the clippers.  You have a lot of natural beauty, but it's different from the "statistical" beauty found in fashion magazines and Abercrombie catalogs.  An expert stylist will be able to enhance the qualities you were born with, rather than do a fake-looking job of making you into something you're not.  The best you will be ten times better than some lame attempt to look like those other girls.

  3. first WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? you are pretty. no lie! maybe you could buy a curling iron and define your curl/waves that's what I do and it looks great! for me at the end it looks like this accept the part is at the side

    next for your face maybe buy a foundation to even out your skin tone

    and maybe concealer to hide dark circles and pimples.

    So at the end it looks like you have an even tone with flawless skin

    I hope I helped and you are pretty!

  4. oh my god you are beautiful. and i am not just being nice. just brush your hair a little and you will look amazing!

  5. you are very pretty, there is no doubt about that

  6. You look great. You don't have to worry about changing yourself. If your looking for boyfriend. Just try talking to the random shy guy. You may find out he's pretty cool.

  7. you don't look overweight at all!

    uhm... go get your hair styled cuz its looking a bit crazy (no offense)

    and maybe try different kinds of makeup or something.

  8. you should try straightening your hair and getting it cut

    and maybe a little blush mascara and eyeliner

    i hope i helped

  9. It isn't looks so much as confidence.  Smile at strangers say hello out loud and make eye contact, you will be amazed at how quickly people will respond.

  10. wtf are you talking about?

    You so beautiful!!

    Not kidding!!

    Just fix ur eyebros and brush ur hair, and of course, smile!

    u are so pretty!

  11. You are drop dead gorgeous! Never think that you are ugly because you can 't. Ley me tell you something- if other people say you are pretty you are and that if you believe you are pretty, you are cause you are gorgeous! Don't listen to those hooligans... And don't lower your self esteem like that!

  12. you're so pretty and should be a model!

    help me?   thanks.

  13. you r so cute

  14. Let me just say this first:


    I think that this is more of a self-esteem issue than anything. I think that you need to boost your confdence. You have the looks, you just need the right attidute that will atrract guys and make people want to be your friend. To help your confidence, I would just try walking tall, head up, and MAKE SURE YOU SMILE!!! Confidence is very attractive to guys. Don't be depressed. Why don't you take a girls day with some of your friends and go get your hair and nails done. The freshness of it will give you a new outlook. Good luck, and feel better. I really hope you take this advice to heart. <33

  15. ur already pretty!! but maybe change the color of ur hair to light blonde or dark brown. then get highlights. then change the color of ur eyebrows. and just get ur hair thinned. but u could totally be a model!!

    please help w/ mine?/;...

  16. lighten your eyebrows. that'll help. a lot. and get a bit tanner. youre very pale. and maybe do a darker hair color or something to match your eyes better.  

  17. Your beautiful! Smile!!

  18. i think you are fine...the only thing i would do is put on a little weight beacuse being that tall and wieghin 120...its not exactly ya thats the only thing i would do, and it will help with your image problems

  19. OMG YOU ARE PRETTY!! I absolutely love your eyes...they're gorgeous...and you hair looks like Barbie hair. You have nothing to worry about!!  

  20. You're super pretty! What you need to do is go out with the girls and get makeovers, get a new hair cut and new makeup and you'll feel amazing just like how you look!

  21. you look like my girlfriend alot.

    The best thing you can do to look better.. stop looking in the mirror. It freakin lies horribly. You have nothing to worry about.  

    I think you have gorgeous eyes, very expressive. Your hair has nice shine, wavy, and volume.. just maybe a little too much volume. Get your hair thinned out just a little, maybe some layers.

    The last thing you can do is try a slightly thinner brow line. Thinner brow lines will draw people to your eyes.  

  22. Jesus :)

    But humanly speaking, read dooown

    1. Your gorgeous, tall, and you've got beautiful hair. I'm not sure why you're depressed.

    2. People bend over backwards for pretty girls because of their confidence. Some are arrogant, but most are just aware of their surroundings.

    3. If you REALLY want to enhance your look, add masacara to emphasize your eyes and dab some white/light colored powder/eyeliner starting from the corners of your eyes, to the outer sides. Get some soft blush (maybe a pink) or a light bronzer to enhance your cheekbones. And, a pinky-soft red colored lipgloss. Or even just vasaline...that's what I use haha.

    4. Posture: don't slouch (slouching is more noticable on tall skinny people so watch out) and keep your head up always (because of you're "double chin")

    5. Be happy :) if you're happy, every information leans towards the happy side. If you're not happy, everything seems worst. Think happy thoughts.  

  23. your not ugly just try waxing your eyebrowsw and dont put your hair behind your ears

  24. what the heck are you talking about?! you already are pretty!!!!!!

  25. hey you are not that hot but i really like your eyes they are just like mine  

  26. Eyebrows.


    You are so exclusive...I've never seen a girl like you.

    You are stunning.

    Do define you beautiful eyes, wear a bit of eyeliner on the outside corners.

  28. you are natually pretty! so dont be ashamed. if u want to change how u look to make u look even more better is your eyebrows, and then dye your hair a pretty color. maybe go a bit lighter or maybe darker. also try wearing some makeup.  

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