
I am really frustrated with my snooker at the moment. What do i do ?

by  |  earlier

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i am usually a decent club player and knock in breaks of 30+.

recently i just can't pot,every pot seems so difficult and thats what pissing me off.




  1. i know exactly how you feel...if you are really passionate about the game you would know you can't perform if you aren't in the right mood or have the right just chill out for a little while and when you feel relaxed have a good session down the snooker club for a few hours, i do it all the time and i am making better breaks more often all the time.

    Cheers, good luck

  2. This is very common, when you play pool/snooker you progress and progess, but it has a certain pattern.

    you progress, have a bad streak, and then you progress even more.

    These bad streaks are a sign your geting better really, its kinda strange, just keep at it!

    and do something like Buy a  new cue etc, this way you enrich your experience!

    i came across an excellent website:

    They have an excellent selection of  sports equipmet at discount prices with a super fast delivery!

    Good luck!

  3. Just do a few drills till you get your stroke back

    Some days if you took the rails off the table i couldnt shoot the balls off on the floor just cant buy a shot  I just accept it aint my day and come home and play with my Computer

    Other days I cant Miss a shot

  4. It happens to everybody.  Just keep at it and your game will come back.

  5. Just relax and go back to the fundamentals of the game

  6. Go back to basics.

    Get your right foot on the imaginary line through the balls.

    Keep your head down and only swing from the elbow (not the shoulder).

    If you choose to do the right thing and use my answer,leave a note to say how quickly it got you back on track please.

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