
I am really kind of confused?

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I am a happily married man who loves women and everything about them (especially BBWs) however I am TOTALLY obsessed with transgendered women and want to experience one. Should I be concerned, am I g*y, Bi, what am I?




  1. no, but ya gotta relize its jst an appearance and tht theres a g*y underneithe all the make up, ughh. i know its tempting, but u gotta relize the truth, it was hard for me too

  2. What people forget about sexual orientation is that it runs on a continuum, where individuals can fall anywhere on the spectrum.

    The answer to the question if you are g*y or bi can only really be answered by you because it is your thoughts on it that matter. Plus, those are really just labels that society has created to simplify something as complex as human sexuality.

  3. wow this is different, ok well idk if your g*y because you like woman and a trans is trying and looking like a girl, but you knowing he gots a wi wi you might be bi or just curious

  4. I think your bi-curious...well this is one I have never heard of before! But don't cheat on your wife man that would be so wrong. But if she is open to that kind of stuff...who knows?? Go for it!

  5. Maybe you're just just ready to be yourself and not fit into the mold that everyone around you has made for you (including yourself). I do think that if the feelings are that strong and if you're ready to explore other things , maybe you should speak with your spouse so that no one gets hurt in the end. You may just be curious or Bisexual but that's something that you will know yourself but whatever it is, be yourself...

  6. Ask your wife!

  7. Bi curios. You can like anything you want without being bi or g*y. I like some s*****e p**n. I just don't jack to it because after I do, it makes me feel weird.

  8. you're just curious. nothing wrong with that.

  9. ur a pervert

  10. You're g*y.

  11. You are what u say you are if u say ur not g*y then ur not because only u know your self more than other people. but u sound more curious than anything.  Theres a difference between fantasy and reality.  So as long as it remains a thought or a fantasy then u shouldn'tt bconcernednd. but if u ever end up wanting to try it dont do it when ur married.  and if you still want to try it and keep marriageraige then u should talk to your wife.

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