
I am really mad at my Grandma....but i dont know how to tell her!!?

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Well one time my grandma was talking to my aunt and she was saying alot of m=bad stuff about my mom and me and my i went down stairs and we talked and she said that she was sorry and whatever.....but i told my mom what she said and she said it wasnt worth it to say anything to my my grandmahasnt said sorry or anything to my mom and i think that she really should!!! but i dont know how to tell her over the phone that i am really mad she hasnt said sorry to my mom? How do i?




  1. does your mom know why grandma is mad? is it a legitimate reason? just tell her that it hurts your feelings that she can say mean things behind your moms back and not bring it to her. is this your moms mom or your dads mom?

    usually in laws always have something mean to say about the other person. it goes with the territory and there's nothing you can do about it other than to tell them that you don't want anything said in your presence. if you make a big deal about it- with inlaws- it will only make their relationship worse. good luck

  2. well, do something!

    same with my grandma, but she didn't say sorry cause shes just old and bitchy.

    think about more important things than people being nice to you.

    or if it is to you just say, "It really made me upset what you said to my mom and I think it would be good for you both if you said sorry and worked **** out" and if she is too ignorant to do so, than **** her.

  3. I would let it go.  Even your mother said it wasn't worth it to say anything to your grandma.   If you brought it up again, it would do nothing but cause trouble and hurt feelings.

    You can forgive people of things even if they don't ask for forgiveness.  Your grandma has probably forgotten all about it by now.  So close the book on this one.  Don't say anything to anyone about it and you need to forget it and love your grandma.

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