
I am really picky on how i like to be touched?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend is very affectionate. i hate nipple stimulation. at all! i hate my toes being rubbed under them. i hate my knees being rubbed. but when he does it over and over again, and i say stop or move, his feelings are hurt. i tell him all the time i hate it. he asks why does he like it and i don't. he takes it real personal. i love other ways he touches me but he doesn't focus on that. help! how am i wrong in this? this is an everyday problem.

i am 24. he is 27




  1. do you hate it because it is ticklish?

    did anything bad ever happen to you that could be the cause of a subconscious rejection when touched like that./  

  2. Your not wrong with this.  Its your body and you should be touched how ever you would like to be touched.  Tell him you love him but he has to stop touching you or he doesnt get to touch u for how ever many days and mean it.  If he loves you hes not gonna dump you or anything just for that.

  3. Perhaps you could show your pleasure when he touches you in the way you like & not give any displeasure when he touches you in the way you do not like. This way, he will realise that certain touches turn you on & certain ones do not. Hope he is sensitive enough to sense your feelings. He may think you are shy & saying "yes" when you actually means "no". Good luck

  4. ask him to focus on the other ways of touching you that you like.  try to explain that you get most pleasure from those areas only.  if he can't respect that then he's being very selfish.  men think that women like being touched everywhere but it's not true and surely he should understand this.

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