
I am really sad. You muslims know that 14th august is coming and its on thursday but i am in foreign country?

by  |  earlier

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and i can't go to pakistan .i can just go to pakistan next year or in summer.what should i do?




  1. celebrate it in the foreign country that you're in...u don't need to be in Pakistan to be patriotic... have fun!  :)

  2. Remind me what is happening on 14th August...?


    Tweety why have you blocked me....?


    Oh hahahaha what a good reason to block me!! It's cool

  3. Its Ok... u'll get used to it..

    I've gotten used to it...

  4. whats so special about 14th august?

    nationalism is rotten, this is what prophet Muhammad said.


    Ninja,  its good that she blocked u, u doont wanna read her nasty questions. she blocked me too, but i thank God. she is a pervert.

  5. Aww that sucks, but on the bright side, you dont HAVE to be in Pakistan to celebrate independence day! You can get together with a bunch of p**i friends and celebrate yourselves with food and fun! I don't know which foreign country you're in but it is observed in many areas in the U.S. Just go to a local show, if not, nothing beats family time so no worries, inshallah you'll still have fun! I've never celebrated it in Pakistan, but I still have a blast!

  6. all of us are in unfair ...lets deal with it:P

  7. well for now ...........just listen to this

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