
I am really stuck on a question for English homework, please just read this!?

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We had to read a few books, and answer a few questions on them for English. One of the questions is, "What literary techniques did the author use, and give examples." I have trouble because I don't really know what some lit. techniques are. I have been trying to find a list online, but I found lists like this:

I think that list is more like terms, I mean I wonder which ones can even be used by an author? Can anyone help me find a list of literary TECHINIQUES, please, it would really help! Also, we weren't allowed to use any outside sources for the questions, do you think basing my answer on a list of terms is cheating? I mean, I would just like look at the list, think which ones applied to the book, and explain. I thought it might have been cheating because I didn't think of the technique myself.




  1. I found a couple of websites with lists: (look for the terms in blue)

    No, I don't think your using a list of terms from the web would be considered cheating.  You have to know what the terms are in order to identify them.  I think it would be cheating if you used Y!A or google for something like "What are all the examples of hyperbole in Sense and Sensibility?"  I think once you know what the terms are, you'll be able to move forward on your own.  


    This one is a good source. No, it's not cheating to look up definitions. It's cheating to use "outside sources" like Cliff Notes, other people's opinions, etc.  

  3. Part of your problem is using Wikipedia!

    OK, having said that -- techniques and devices are the same thing.

    I don't believe that researching what literary devices/techniques are would be cheating. What WOULD be cheating would be using outside help to apply those techniques to your assignment.

    See if this site explains things a bit better for you.

  4. I tried your link and really didn't find much either, however, check the first link below out even though it appears to be the same link, it's not.

    ~A literary technique or literary device is an identifiable rule of thumb, convention or structure that is employed in literature and storytelling.

    ~Literary techniques are important aspects of an author's style, which is one of the five elements of fiction, along with character, plot, setting and theme.

    The second and third links give actual examples of literary devices aka literary techniques.

    All of these can and are used by most, if not all authors at various times in their writing.

    Since you weren't allowed to use outside sources to answer the questions, I'd say giving a list was OK, especially if you also gave examples of the ones you listed.  And, no, I don't think it was cheating. : )

    Hope the info helps you out, if at least for the next time it comes up!

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