
I am really trying to get my split by the end of this summer; does anyone know any good stretches to get them?

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I have been doing gymnastics probably longer than anyone in my class, and im still the only one that cant do a split!!!




  1. practice everyday for a week

    and keep trying to go lower and lower everyday

    and you'll have them in a week

  2. First see how far you can go first then everyday go alittle bit farther and before you know it you will be doing the spilts in no time:)

  3. Try having a light cardio for 4-5 minutes such as jogging/running. Then go into light, easy stretches such as touching your toes (or going as close as you can) ten times while breathing deeply. Then separate your legs a little take a deep breath, touch the floor (or as close as you can get without ANY pain), then exhale. Repeat five times. Then sit on the floor with legs together and touch your toes once more doing the breathing technique aforementioned. Repeat five times. Then separate your legs and reach for you left leg, the the the floor in front of you then your other leg.

    After warming up your legs, begin kneeling lunges. Go as far as you can, stop, take a deep breath and then slow flex and unflex the muscle. Then do a reverse lunge (as performed in video I'll link you to). Then repeat your kneeling lunges. This should last around five minutes. Then put your back foot against a couch or chair (know as Lunge with back leg against a wall/box on the site I'm going to link you to). Repeat three times resting between each one. Now go into your split as far as you can without pain (you should just feel tension and/or slight pain or slight discomfort). Then pull up, relax for thirty seconds, stand up and shake your legs, and then repeat your lunges for around a minute, do your split and hold for thirty seconds once more. Then repeat everything with your other leg.

    For side splits. You should do frog stretches butterflies, and then v-sit stretches mentioned in the warm-up. Then do side ways lunges and then push up, with hips square and knees pointed to the ceiling, against a wall. Then hold for one minute. Repeat this three times. Then go into a straddle split as you would normally and hold for thirty seconds.

    Cool down. Just use the stretches from your warm-up but backwards slowly, and carefully. This transitions your body from exercising mode and reduces chance of injury.

    Helpful Links:

    P.S.: You may feel numbness during stretching which is GOOD it means your doing the exercises properly. Also, the next morning you may have slight soreness. This is because your body isn't used to stretch but eventually it will. If this happens don't stretch to intensely. But do stretch. Just do your warm-up and cool-down (the first paragraph is warm up, second is front splits, third is side splits, and fourth is cool down). If you continue to feel discomfort after exercising it means your doing it wrong, too fast/to hard for your body, or your warm-up/cool-down isn't long enough. Just relax for a day, and then start anew with a longer warm-up, less intense stretching, and a longer cool down. Also, be very careful when training your straddle splits. They use a lot of muscles and you can easily damage yourself. Do your side splits stretches first and then begin slow, easy straddle stretches.

  4. okay so first you should practice two or three times a day morning, afternoon, evening. ok go into your splits and hold for three minutes each side. after every thirty seconds push down farther. You should get your splits pretty soon by doing that.

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