
I am really worried about global warming and the future of our planet! is anyone else?

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im not a geek and i enjoy my life but now and again when i go outside for a walk or down the beach i wonder if this will even be around for long and why most people arent bothered enough to change a few things about their life to help...

and why dont the goverment do anything? plus the world is becoming overpopulated, everthing is going to collapse and SOON




  1. Governments like to exaggerate the global warming scare as it gives them carte blanche to exercise even more power over you.

    Don't fall for this global warming scam.

  2. relax, there is no such thing as man-made global warming;

    The other planets in the solar system are increasing in temperature at the same rate as earth. It's from the sun, not your SUV.

  3. watch the movie by al gore its all about global warming we saw it in class. Its called an Inconvenient Truth

  4. no

  5. It is worrisome.  You, as an individual, can only do so much.  Change what you can in your life.  Encourage others to make changes.  Volunteer for groups that encourage green living.  Earth Day is coming up, get involved with Earth Day activities.  Get involved with politics and work for and vote for candidates that encourage green policies and green living.

  6. congrats- your indoctrination is coming along nicely......

  7. Over population is a big problem that many wont address, I just think that having more babies is  irresponsible after two.  Some people are just what I call irresponsible baby-mongers

  8. if the warming problem is caused by overpopulation it will cure itself by a war or a famine or a plague as population probs have been historically solved.  If it is a climate thing the warming will be followed by an ice age as has happened many times in the past.  If it is just hype and Al Gores indigestion it will go away.  None of this will happen soon enough to stop your walk on the beach.  It's not in your control so give your blood pressure a break and don't worry.

  9. Well there's not really much we can do about it know the air is already way polluted and trying to get country's like China to contribute is too hard. Really there's nothing to worry about cos it wont be for a long time to anything dramatic happens.

    All we'll get for know is just terrible weather. It's too late ppl

  10. I have no concern, we will crash ans burn.

  11. i've been looking at recycling and how to reduce our waste

    did you know people with young children creat the most rubbish?

    they through toys and clothes out that their children have grown out on rather than giving them to others to 'reuse' and 'recycle'

    i help run babythings

    a yahoo group for parents to do just this recycle and reuse everything child related

    the hopes are we can help make a new family happy and save a section of landfill at the same time

    lets help reduce together

  12. Don't worry, Gaia will survive long after the human race is as dust.

    We should not waste our time worrying, just prepare your life around the possibility of flooding,

    (ie, don't buy or build a house on low laying land or flood planes).

    It is us that needs saving not the Earth.

    Perhaps if we had respected Gaia more in the past this would not be happening now, but as it is,

    prepare, plan and get on with your life.

    The world has been in situations simular to this all throughout it's history, and if society was to collapse there would be many cleaver people who would have prepared for this event, (like myself) and would rise from the flooded cities to build hope a new.

    Humanity has survived for over 4 billion years, and we will survive the next few billion, if we don't it will be an end of our making, not one of nature.

  13. no ill be dead before any of that $h!T happens, now i think my sons and grandsons should be worried but not me

  14. us lot r alright

  15. That's why the "counter culture" started "Earth Day" ! We knew way back in the '60s that the Earth was being damaged by humans careless abuse of it's natural resources.

    What will collapse is what we call "modern" life. Transportation,food,power sources,and drinking water will be severely affected.  Very soon,we will have areas of the US that are so ravaged by severe freak weather,people will not be able to live there!  Look at the severe flooding and storms in the Mid-West. Every weather front now brings severe weather with it.  The ever widening parameters of weather records are a clear sign of climate change!

  16. The term "global warming" is a specific example of global climate change. The term "climate change" can also refer to other periods of overall temperature change such as global cooling. In common usage, the term "global warming" refers to the warming in recent decades and implies a human influence.[11] The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) uses the term "climate change" for human-caused change, and "climate variability" for other changes.[12] The term "anthropogenic global warming" (AGW) is sometimes used when focusing on human-induced changes.


    Components of the current radiative forcing as estimated by the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.Main articles: Attribution of recent climate change and Scientific opinion on climate change

    The Earth's climate changes in response to external forcing, including variations in its orbit around the Sun (orbital forcing),[13][14][15] volcanic eruptions,[16] and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The detailed causes of the recent warming remain an active field of research, but the scientific consensus[17][18] is that the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases due to human activity caused most of the warming observed since the start of the industrial era. This attribution is clearest for the most recent 50 years, for which the most detailed data are available. Some other hypotheses departing from the consensus view have been suggested to explain the temperature increase. One such hypothesis proposes that warming may be the result of variations in solar activity.[19][20][21]

    None of the effects of forcing are instantaneous. The thermal inertia of the Earth's oceans and slow responses of other indirect effects mean that the Earth's current climate is not in equilibrium with the forcing imposed. Climate commitment studies indicate that even if greenhouse gases were stabilized at 2000 levels, a further warming of about 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) would still occur.[22]

  17. You are very wise to be as concerned as you are.  It shows you know something about it.  Translate that concern into action!  Contrary to the folks who tell you you can't affect this, you can.  You are one small person on a planet with twice the number of people it can sustain.  Half of all people at this moment are without an adequate water supply.  Much more than that are without adequate food.  There is a long list of things you can do to make the world a little better place than you found it.

    Next to air, water is the thing living creatures (including us) need most.  Become familiar with the waterways in your area, especially the smaller ones.  Learn their history.  Almost all of them will be clogged with refuse, and polluted.  People will say it doesn't matter.  It does.  Look at maps and you'll see small waterways lead to larger ones, and often many cities get their water from one of those.  You'll find the country has been divided into zones.  The people who live in each zone are taking responsibility for the water passing through.  Towns "adopt" sections of a river or stream and stage an annual cleanup.  This is one of the most beneficial things you can do.  Contact your State Conservation Department and Department of Natural Resources to get in touch with others.  If the streams in your areas have no groups taking care of them, form them.  I'm including a variety of links to help spark some ideas.  There are examples from the area where I live.  Check the links where they're listed.

    Another major concern is what is called "monoculture".  This is where the native species for an area have been replaced by a much smaller number of species, usually imported.  These zones may extend hundreds of miles.  Where there would naturally be thousands of species, monoculture usually has less then a hundred.  That causes all kinds of problems.  Obviously there is no genetic resilience in case of disease or pests.  All the species that depended on the original species will be threatened, displaced, or go extinct.  You may see invasion by species not native, and you often see overpopulation of a few species, due to the absence of competition.  Preserving small areas of native habitat helps, but it isn't an answer.

    If you are blessed to live in an area which has retained some or all of it's native species, taking an inventory of the plants and animals is critical.  Global warming is displacing whole populations of species, not just polar bears.

    Tracking the growth of monoculture, and keeping tabs on what natural habitat remains is something anyone can do.  That data is hugely valuable to scientists.  The area where I live was last surveyed in 1977.  What is involved is noting in a journal with date, time, place etc. each plant you find, especially.  I also take photo's, which helps with identification.  There are differences near water, versus high ground, versus near a plowed field.  You can note birds, reptiles, and mammals the same way, but plants are more numerous.  I've just been at this a couple of years but what I'm finding shows changes since the 1970's.  There isn't much government money for this type of work anymore, so it's up to the citizens.  I do have a University Extension Office and a Conservation Center nearby.  This is real science, real research.  It's a lot different from the people who surf the net and claim they are doing research.  This involves actual work.

    Feel free to email me.  The only hope really is for the people who are concerned to get organized and get busy.  There are many other things I could suggest.  Some will tell you it won't make a difference because it's too late.  If you were on a sinking ship or in a burning building would you sit down and play solitaire until your death, or would you try to help yourself (and others), knowing that the odds are against you?

  18. I think you will be OK>

  19. Well if everyone would plant a tree. If we would use our bicycles at least part of the time. If those lightbulbs that are spiral would be used. Imagine what a difference it could make!

  20. I wouldn't worry too much. I care about my planet too. Sometimes I do wonder... But it's not going to happen any time soon. I don't have anything against people like Algore, but he freaked me out because  he said in 2015 a big part of the world will be covered in water. But no worries. The earth is going through a cycle. It will continue for a while.

  21. Yes I think U might be right. We will need a war that kills about 3 billion people . Gw Is a scam and the oil Co. is making billions.

  22. Well I'm not fussed all the predictions are for 2050, I will probably be dead by then, unless some quack invents a live forever pill! d**n those scientists!

    There are people that say theres nothing to worry about but they are daft enough to believe what George Bush and his oil cronies have spread around. All the leading scientists believe that the earth is heating up! who do you want to believe? the American Government with its recent track record? or the worlds most intelligent men and women?!

    I say use global dimming to fix it! bring back dirty coal!!

  23. that's how they want you to feel, don't fall for it.

  24. im staying near the equator and the heat is terrible. a decade back the weather wasnt that bad but recently it got worse. and to contribute to that. some people practice open burning to burn their rubbish / paddy field. this irritates me very much as our future are at stake here guys!

  25. yes iam to lol. you are right we wont enjoy anything hereafter .something happened to our planet.....................................

  26. We do not want to encourage governments to start culling the excess population, and in democracies at least, governments should take their direction from the electorates. So if you want governments to do something you should organize (politically or otherwise) to get the electorate on side.

    Worry is useful only insofar as it prompts action that helps to mitigate the thing worried about.

    You will mitigate things by how you live, but more importantly by how many other people choose to live.  Can you offer them better alternatives? If so, get to it and stop worrying without action.

  27. If you would bother to educate yourself, you would find that it is very unlikely that humans have warmed the earth more than about a half a degree.  So add a half a degree to the temperature of wherever you are and ask yourself is a half a degree really worth worrying about.  Instead of 40 degrees, it may be approaching 41 degrees.  Worry is what alarmists aim for.  As a geologist that has been around for a while, it is a sad fact that those sort of dire predictions are always there.  You can live your life in fear and worry or you can learn to ignore the ignorant rants.  It is really your choice.

  28. You do realize of course that the eminent collapse of human society due to over population as been predicted since at least 1970.  To listen to these Chicken Littles, it is always just around the corner.

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