
I am really worried about my friend? Best I go to her parents?

by Guest45345  |  earlier

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One of my best friends has really been falling down a terrible path. A couple months ago she wanted me to meet this guy she was having s*x with and he raped me (didn't get very far at all though) right in front of her and told her that he wanted me more than her and she wasn't as pretty as me. And she didn't care. He was high and drunk so she blamed that.

She is still seeing him and he is the a really worthless person. But she wont listen to me when I try to tell her that he is NOT FOR HER! That she is going to get very hurt by him. But she says I know nothing and to butt out. I have learned what guys are capable of. She is a little younger than me and has had no experience with guys.

She lets this guy pass her around to his friends and have s*x with her unprotected with all of them. They use the pull out method. Her parents would kill her if they found out she was even having s*x. I wouldn't be surprised if she already had an std. She drinks she makes terrible decisions, she sneaks out, she lies.

When I try to help her she says it's my life and I am living it how I want and I am young and need to have fun. This guy is also 8 years older than her but that really doesn't mean anything. She is 18. But she still lives with her parents.

I am really worried about her... Do you think it is best to tell her parents? I really don't want to get her in trouble but I don't know how else to help her. She is single handedly ruining her life.




  1. I'm not sure that there is anything you and your parents can do for her. She is obviously not wanting help right now so all you really can do is try to be a good friend and also pray for her.  Perhaps you could introduce her to a few nice boys too.

  2. I would say you should definately tell her parents if she isnt listening to you...Yes she is being a teenager..but, teenagers DO NOT do things like all sounds too dangerous...

    Definately tell her parents...i have known people end up dead acting like that...

    Your a very good friend x  

  3. I have a best friend who is a year younger then me & a lot less experienced with guys. I try to protect her at times, but you know how you learned from your mistakes/ heartaches? Maybe you just have to let her learn for herself.

    ...... but wtf is she doing allowing herself to be 'passed around' that's gross.

  4. ok firstly this situation sounds all too familiar for my likings.

    I was 21 and at a party with my best friend and her boyfriend and he got me away from the other people at the party and sexually assaulted me.

    I went back and told my best friend straight away SHE DID NOT BELIEVE ME!

    so I called a taxi and went to the police station straight away. They took me to the hospital to get checked out and from the 'evidence' he was charged. AND MY BEST FRIEND STILL DIDN'T BELIEVE ME!

    She fell pregnant to this guy and had a baby. They broke up and she found out she had a LIST of STDs from him.

    So sad, too lose my friend but she was not worth it. and this friend sounds like she needs help too but do you really want to hang around someone that supports a guy that raped you and is with him and does not respect your friendship because of it? I don't think so bail now. yes tell her parents  

  5. 1 think "she wasn't as pretty as me" who the h**l says that bout a friend

    2 shes 18 shes old enough to make her own decisions and her parent's probably wouldn't kill her if she was having s*x shes 18 if shes going to have s*x she can live with the consequence and sneaking out shes 18 she should be allowed out of her hous

    3 AGAIN shes 18 shes going to drink and do things

    like all of this just leave it shes being a teenager  

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