
I am really worried because i need to know if its possible to find out when i conceived ?

by Guest32346  |  earlier

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I am really worried because i need to know if its possible to find out when i conceived because i used a condom but it split half way through and so we replaced it and continued this was on the 30th July and then i got back together with my husband and we had unprotected s*x from the early morning of the 3rd Aug. The date of my last period was 17th/18th July although the 2 previous dates were 20th june and 25th may. can you help??




  1. I've gone through counting the days and the length of your cycle and to tell you the truth I think it would be impossible to tell you for sure which day you conceived.

    HOWEVER,  the earlier you can get a sonogram, the better they can tell exactly when you got pregnant.  It gets harder to figure out the further you get in your pregnancy, but in the beginning certain things happen with the embryo on day 9, day 12 etc (cells divide, yolk sac forms, basic human processes get set up) and they can pretty much pinpoint the exact day.  It's a vaginal sonogram but those are more accurate and for this you want ACCURACY.

    I say tell your doctor the situation and how important it is to get a sonogram IMMEDIATELY and he/she will probably schedule one.  If that doesn't work, you can go to the ER of a birthing hospital and tell them you are having pain and bleeding and think you might be miscarrying.  They will do a vaginal sonogram to make sure and you will be able to get that pinpointed date.

    ~ Good Luck!!! ~

  2. First day of last menstrual period: July 17, 2008

    Estimated date of conception: Thursday, July 31, 2008

    Estimated Due Date: April 23. 2009

    First day of last menstrual period: July 18, 2008

    Estimated date of conception: Friday, August 1, 2008

    Estimated Due Date: April 24, 2009

    (Based on this i would say that it does not belong to your husband)

  3. I'm so sorry your in this position. getting back with your husband would of been great for you and now this drama. i will tell you what you SHOULD DO......... but in truth alot of ppl dont do this and i can sort of understand why....... i think you should sit him down and tell him the truth. because according to this date it could of been number one or two. now if you know your hubby and he will leave you........i dont know. its hard. women in the past have managed to just not tell and get away with it.(unless the other man was a different color) but i think he has a right to know.

    another option is to have an abortion. you can always have another baby with your husband. its an option. i know ppl say they r against abortion. but one never knows until they r in a situation like this......... personally if i was you i would abort.  

  4. and by this rambling nonsense,

    i can tell that you're worried about WHO got you pregnant, not when.

    you had s*x with someone else, then got back with your husband and had more s*x.

    then found out you were pregnant.

  5. eeeeeeeekkkk....If you have regular periods...then you would have ovulated around the 30th of July....August 3rd would have been little chance..... here is the calendar showing the results....either way if you started your period on the 17th or 18th those were your highest fertility days.... as shown here...

  6. I'm not sure it is possible to know.

    There's only a few days between each encounter.

    However, it is more likely that you conceived while you were with your husband.

  7. Based on the information given, most likely you would have been ovulating on August 3rd.  You have a 27/28 day cycle, so you ovulate about 14 days from the first day of your last period.  So your period was June 20 the 14th day of your cycle would be July 30th.  It could really go either way though, since you are fertile for more than one day and the dates are so close.

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