
I am recently thinking about going on THE pill, but i want to know when does it start working? Right away? ?

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So, will i be able to have s*x and not get pregnant as soon as i start on the pill, or does it take time to work? if so how long?

I'm real worried about the pill, that i'll gain weight and change, will i?




  1. It takes about 7 days on average for the pills to take effect, but this may vary slightly between manufacturers / brands.  A decade ago, it used to be a month's wait.

    The pill should not make you gain weight, but it has different effects on different people.  The hormone changes can make you sick until you get used to it, which you may not.  It could change your mood and behavior slightly, make you more irritable (or the opposite).  However, these are all worst case scenario symptoms.  I know some people who've had those and switched brands (different set of hormones) and were fine, some who couldn't take the pill at all, and many who were just fine from day one.

    The best thing to do is take it for one month and if you start to experience any abnormal side effects that you cannot tolerate, then stop taking the pill and consult your doctor.  There are other forms of birth control besides 'the pill' that work well too.

  2. your Dr. that you receive the prescription from will go over this with you in detail  

  3. I loved being on the pill ....I first went on it because I was having horrible cramps during my cycle.  It can lessen the cramps and makes your periods lighter and shorter.  With the pill... you know exactly when youre period's going to start and stop...but you have to remember to take it every day.   There are DRAWBACKS tho... Some people gain weight..depends on what kind of pill you are on. Also ..this goes without saying (and maybe you are in a committed relationship/marriage) but the pill doesnt protect you from STDs. And from what I hear from my doctor.."America has herpes" and STDs are more common than people think..   ALSO - when I went off the pill took me nearly a year before I was able to get pregnant..and my cycle which although painful, had always been very regular, was now totally irregular and I never knew when that time of month was going to be.    Also if you smoke or are over 35 there are more risks to using the discuss with your doc. Hope it helps. : )

  4. It takes at least 7 days for the pill to become properly effective against contraception.

    You won't necessarily change from taking the pill, but that's something you will need to discuss with your doctor, as there are different types you can take that all have different effects.

    Good Luck.

  5. When i first went on the pill my doctor told me to still use contraception for 2 weeks just to be sure. Their are many different types of the pill and they all have different side effects for everyone. No i don't think you do get hornier from the pill. It is only contraception.  

  6. it takes a week to come into effect, your doctor will tell u this.

    some people gain weight- i cant see your future so i dont know

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