
I am renting a flat with 4 months left on the lease. I want to leave now to emigrate to the UK?

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I am renting a flat with 4 months left on the lease. I want to leave now to emigrate to the UK, but my landlord is saying I have to pay the next 4 months rent, even though the flat will be empty. My lease does not have any clauses in about about terminating it early.

As I see it my options are:

a) Pay the 4 months in full.

b) Not pay anything, move to the UK, and risk being sued and having my credit rating ruined in the UK

c) As (b), but try and do a deal with them eg, I pay them two months’ rent and we make another agreement that releases both of us from the lease. Although they are now saying they would not consider this, I think they will find it attractive once they are faced with trying to sue me, and possibly not getting anything. Also, this will allow them to relet as from now, so they will end up with double rent income for a period if they rent it out quickly.




  1. if you signed say a 6 month lease unfortunately you have to stick to it. it happened to me when i moved to glasgow.  signed for 6 months and paid the 6 months rent and moved back in 3 months because of financial issues.  i lost the 3 months rent. Maybe if you found someone willing to take your flat on for the 4 months you could sort something out that way and they could pay it or most of it.  Contact Citizens Advice Bureau or a solicitor.

  2. I think it is a plot? not flat? anyway... do you have written agreement with them? if there's no written or other materials than can prove that you must pay 4months advanced so leave it. Anyway why you have to pay since you will be leaving right? that's not good maybe the landlord palyig trick on you be aware.

  3. I'm a landlord.  I don't want an unhappy tenant.  I also don't want a vacant rental.  If you explain your situation and you offer me some money, i will release you.  If you pack and leave in the night, i won't be so happy.  You do owe the 4 months but i must make efforts to find a new tenant. I can not just sit back and do nothing for 4 months. /

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