
I am running for Vice president of my student council. ANY QUOTES , sayings to help me win? ?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i am running for vice president against this really cool guy that many of the students like, although he is not at all very lively and happy like me. i have a very bubbly personalty, something the student council does not have and is so unenthusiastic. i need to make a good speech and i need tips.. has someone ever run and gotten some good tips and points or quotes i could use?

and another thing is, everybody says they want to make a change but the change doesn't happen and it sounds so lame if i also say that..




  1. you may start with:give me a chance to make a change, you make your speech short.then you end with; we must believe in ourself and do the right vote for chance.

  2. yes. i have. what you can do is trying to have a vote in your speech in how to make ur school better. for example you can say something like " who wants to wear ties for school? " and u can also try and make it funny! dont make it too long people would fall asleep! make it sweet short and funny. and also u can end ur speech by saying  " iam the best forget the rest!" lol! jz made that up! hope i helped! = ]  

  3. It's hopeless trust me.  I don't know if you're in high school or middle school, but it really doesn't matter.  My Student Council speech was "Vote for me.  Thank You."  I won, despite others obviously putting a lot of thought into their speeches.  It's a popularity contest, nothing more.  

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