
I am sad. What should i do?

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What makes me happy is if i have something to look forward to. I don't have anything to look forward to, and now i am sad. Is there anything (not drugs etc.) that would make me feel better? (I don't live near my friends and my mom is too sick to drive me around etc.)




  1. buy somthing cool

  2. put a smile upon your face

  3. find a hobby, i play 360 or go to the beach or even just get with friends.

  4. If I may... seems to me like you are lonely, and bored to death. try opening a good book. it helps carry your mind away,and makes time fly.

  5. I pray. Even if I'm not sure whether there's a God to hear me or not, I pray, because hearing my own voice appealing to something Else, something that isn't me, is comforting to me.

  6. Stay busy helping your mom, get to know the neighbors by volunteering to do something around the neighborhood like walk dogs for people. Dogs, even those of others, are great at helping us be happier. Smile and laugh at anything you possibly can. Avoid negative input, like violent and depressing movies, games, etc. Do some gardening, even if it's indoor gardening in little pots. Find some creative things you can do like cooking or crafts. I bet your mom would love to have a young chef in the house.

    Call friends and family as often as possible, and tell jokes, ask about their days, talk about school, pets, news, etc.

    Chin up young one, you're on the right track just by realizing you are bored and sad. Make some lists of people, places, and things to focus on ... and seriously, take up cooking.

    You're never alone ... God is all around and you can always have a chat with Him. He doesn't care if you are just talking like yourself, so you don't have to get down on your knees and pray in the traditional way.

    A church youth group might be a good place for you to connect, and someone might even offer some car-pooling for you. SMILE. LAUGH. YOU ARE LOVED.

  7. It might sound silly, but if you really and truly just literally force yourself to smile and keep smiling for at least a minute, you will probably feel a bit better. Even though it may be a fake smile, it will still release some of the natural feel good chemicals in your body that are released when you smile for real.

  8. same if there's nothing to look forward to...ummm...find something that will! know thats y ur here...okies...lets c...make a mind list of ur fav hobbies...u like to sing? new frnds?...go to workshops that interests u...write a letter to ur close frnd/s (since u said u don't stay near ur frnds...n since ppl have simply forgotten the sweet ways of lettin their loved ones know they care n they miss them...) n soon u'll b surprised at the responses u get...besides ...when u have nothing...there's pardoxically everything at ur disposal...u can do anything that pops up in ur mind...u don't have to brainstorm..turn on the tv...c what ppl are doing....n then hey!..u can do that on attack?...FRIENDS, havin their cuppa tea in central perk...oh oh..i juz realized is there no work pending..that u were meanin to finish since days or maybe weeks? cn't be possible...nobody does all his\her work that they are compelled to sit idle...if nothing of the above seems ur i know...but u can surprise her by askin her how to make her fav dish n cook it for her...that wud b soooooo kewl..isn't it?

  9. Find a class near where you live, someplace you can get to by yourself (walk, bus, bike or whatever). It doesn't matter what it is, yoga, dance, knitting, etc., as long as it interests you. Ask to sit in on a couple of classes and see if it's something you'd like to try before signing up. That will give you something to look forward to every week.

    Another idea would be to take a walk around your neighborhood or apartment complex. Get out of your house for a while, and you'll be doing something healthy and constructive while you're at it. Take an iPod or CD player with you, loaded with all of your favorite songs. That will make the walk more pleasant and help it go faster.

    Good luck!

  10. I like listening to music to help me feel better.

    Old school rock.

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