
I am scared, I just read this sad story...?

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I was online looking at pictures of ultrasound of women of my gestation, almost 35 weeks and I came accross this story of a woman who was 37 weeks pregnant and went in to her ultrasound and they couldnt find the heartbeat. They said that her baby had died inside of her the night before. I feel for her, I really really do. But it makes me worry about my own baby. I know they say its normal to have fears like this, especially as a first time mom, but I hate thinking about the what if's. Am I over reacting? I mean what are the chances of that. My pregnancy has been a beautiful healthy one so far. The baby looks great, in fact I have another ultrasound tomorrow. I am just stressing now...




  1. The story you read sounds like my story but i was Full term. Relax tho you will be fine. I worried with my other 2 kiddos but everything went perfect. I will tell you this its something i never read anywhere in the PG books i read while PG i only read this after my son past away in a book about child loss. This woman described the night before her baby pasted the baby was kicking the hardest she had ever kicked , she would kick and hold it there for a few sec and her whole stomach was just looking so misshapened. it turned out that was the baby struggling. the same thing happened to me! but i just thought WOW he wants out. only later did i realize what it was. Now dont freak out everytime your baby kicks hard you could definetly know the diference b/c i knew he had never done that but just thought it was normal because he was my first. but if you do feel like he/she is kick way harder and out of the norm go to the hosipital and just get checked to ease your mind there is nothing wrong with that

  2. Just relax! It's normal to worry, but as long as you are doing everything "right" i.e. going to the doctor regularly, not smoking/drinking, etc., you are probably fine! BUT, if you do feel that the baby could really have something wrong, go to the doctor now!

  3. The biggest mistake is to read horror stories like that!!! it's sad that it happened, but unfortunately everything happens for a reason, only God knows why!! stop reading and thinking about the negative and focus on the positive, you even said it yourself "My pregnancy has been a beautiful healthy one so far" so there is your positive!!! Congrats on being a Mom-To-Be!!!!

  4. OBGYN's are so cautious these days and testing for all sorts of things to make sure that your baby is healthy. It's very rare that someone like that would ever happen. Try not to stress out. You can purchase a doppler like the OB uses at BabiesRUs and listen to the babies heartbeat. My daughter had days where she wouldn't move at all no matter what I did and it made me so nervous. Especially since I was 2 weeks and 3 days late. I bought it and when I was up at night worrying I just listened to her heart and it made me so relaxed! Good luck! And congratulations!

  5. its normal,but when u watch or read stuff like that u get more worried.....i had to stop watching show on discovery about delivery because i was getting scared about mine...luckily every thing was fine and it will be for u too......just dont stress because thats not good for the baby

  6. Hey, Im due 1 day after you! That is sooooo scary to think about. I could not imagaine losing my baby. Try not to worry about it to much, cause stress is never good. Good luck at your ultrasound. Im sure your baby will be healthy and beautiful. God Bless!

  7. I think all mommy's go thru that FEAR!!

    It's Normal..

    That happen to My Mother in law baby, her baby died inside her due to that she felt in the bathroom and never when to the doctor..

    That's why Doctor's always tell us, if we see or notice anything abnormal to call him right away or go to the Hospital right away!!

    Good Luck !!

  8. I hate to tell you but as soon as you find out you are pregnant, you NEVER stop worrying. You worry about the pregnancy, then you worry about our newborn and it continues. All you can really do is have FAITH and trust your doctor. Your doc wouldn't tell you things are ok if they weren't. Things happen that are out of our control. Anything can happen at anytime. Just relax, enjoy the baby that is growing healthy in your tummy. Don't stress that is the worst thing you can do for the baby. GOOD LUCK and CONGRATULATIONS!!

  9. It's normal to be freaked out.

    Just remember to listen to your intuition if you feel there is truly something wrong with the baby.

    Pay attention to how often the baby is kicking. If you feel a dramatic change or haven't felt the baby move in a few hours, feel free to call the doc. They're used to it. Most women I know have gone in for an unscheduled appt. just to feel better.

  10. Relax Hunni, I can promise you nothing will happen to you baby. The chances of a million is one! You have nothing to worry about your are either going to have a beutul baby girl or boy and they will be buetifeul i can promise you. You over reacting because this is your firist pregnacy just chill.

  11. You are doing great and you are nearly there.  Yes, these sad things do happen sometimes, but they are ever so rare.  Keep an eye on how you are feeling.  If you don't feel the baby move as often as usual and such, then you see the doctor right away.  Other than are gonna be just great!  It's normal to be afraid and that's okay, just don't let it consume you.  Discuss any and all questions that you have with your doctor for reassurance.  Make a list if you want so that you don't forget to ask a single thing.  And enjoy the sound of that heartbeat at the visit tomorrow.  Soon enough, you'll be able to feel that little heartbeat all by yourself!

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