
I am scared! Help me!!

by  |  earlier

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Lately my life has been sucking. My friends are being rotten and avoiding me simply because someone more populare came along. My parents have been virbaly abusive to me, and my sister has been adding to it all, making my life h**l. I have been really depressed lately, and i have avoidid as much of life as i can, in fear of being hurt again. I have been thinking alot about becoming bulemic, cutting myself, and even suicide. I just dont care about anything any more. The things that used to make me happy no longer interist me. I dont want to do anything to bad, but... lately death and pain have seemed like a better fate.




  1. Try talking to someone tell you parents how you feel

  2. Every one feels that way one point in their life. Don't take it to suicide and cutting yourself. Go see a counselor. Please don't do that! I don't know you but I don't want you to die. Just be nice to them in return, be the bigger person. God is watching. Just pray and God will answer your prayers.

  3. My heart is actually breaking in half for you.  Please do NOT give up.  I can tell you that I have felt your pain myself and giving up is not an option.  Well, I guess it is but BELIEVE me when I say to you that I have seen both sides and it is NOT worth it!!!

    There are those you can talk to.  There is always the church.  You do not have to belong to one or have a certain "faith" or belief etc...  I just mean that you can walk in or call one - ANY ONE and someone will just talk with you.   It has helped a lot of people I know.  There is also the crisis hotlines.  You do NOT need to be holding a blade to yourself to call them.  They are there for you just the way you are.  Feeling alone, afraid, and confused are all reasons enough to talk to someone.

    I really hope you start with someone in your family.  Even an Aunt or Grandmom if you just can't go to your parents yet.  But pick someone.   Here was a start.  But be careful.   The Internet can sometimes be a dangerous place and I would hate to see you get more hurt than you already are.

    Be strong my friend :)  xoxo

    My prayers and love are with you.  

  4. You need to see a doctor.
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