
I am scared about what's going to happen when I die. I don't know what or who to believe in. WHAT DO I DO?

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There's so many different religions and non religions. I'm lost on which or what is exactly right. Obviously only one is right, (or none) and what if that one religion is lost? Then what? I really don't want to die being lost, which I've been worried about for awhile. I am 12




  1. No one can answer this for you with 100% certainty, only with 100% conviction of their opinion.

    My with a heart of only love and good will, but with passion and vigor towards what you embrace, hurting only those who would do you and your wrong. The answer comes to those who "watch for it" without "seeking it" has been my day something will open your souls's eye to what feels like home and you will walk that path for the rest of your days.

  2. You're 12! You have so many years to live a life! In fact, your real life hasn't even yet begun!

    There are years of life for you to come to terms with, and come to accept and even embrace your death. You cannot begin to imagine the thoughts you are going to have as an intelligent, rational adult!

    Please, concentrate on today, and do not worry about death! And for the record, you do not need a religion to tell you what will happen at your death.

  3. In the Bible the condition of the dead can be found at Ecclesiastes 9; 5,6,

    And the promise of a resurrection at Revelation 20; 12,13

  4. Start reading both religious and science books.  Ask the religious serious questions and listen to the answers. Look for hypocrisy.  Define for yourself what YOU believe is right and wrong.  Look for contradictions.  Stay clear of those who get angry when questioned.  These are typically people who follow a belief out of emotional neediness.

    I hope that you are freed from your emotional anguish soon.  

  5. Why would you be wasting your lovely time about dying?  Concentrate on living and having fun.  Believe me when it is your turn to die, then you will just die, move on, because there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

  6. I am much older than you and I still dont know what I believe in. Dont worry about it that much. Enjoy your life and eventually you will find the path that is right for YOU. Dont believe what everyone else says follow your heart. I am a firm believer that everyone is right because the only real and true spiritual path is the one that feels right to you.

  7. Quit worrying about dying, and start LIVING.  This is the only life you get; make the most of it. Do something that matters, do something that YOU believe is worthwhile, and NEVER let anybody else tell you that what you long to do is a bad thing.

  8. I understand how you feel, I used to feel the same way.

    It can be confusing with all different views on this subject.

    But, forget about that.

    Why not ask the one who made the human body. The one who gave life to us, also tells us what happens when we die. Okay ?

    Open up your bible to Ecclesiastes 9:5. There you can see that dead people are not conscious at all. That means that when we are dead, we cannot feel anything, we're not aware of anything.

    So you don't have to be scared.  :o)

  9. Submit yourself to the Flying Spaghetti Monster's noodly appendages and you will go to heaven, where there are beer volcanoes and a stripper factory, and not d**n you to h**l where beer is stale, and the strippers have VD.

  10. why don't you try to learn as much as you can and be a nice person and worry about the rest later? If god is a nice person then being a nice and good person while you are alive should be sufficient. If there is no god at least people will remember you as a pleasant person.

  11. The bible says when the Holy Ghost is in you then you are sealed until your day of redemption, & not until you do something wrong.Therefore Receive the Holy Ghost after you have repented & was baptized by completely immursion in water in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, & the promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost will guide you into ALL truth.

  12. John 14:6  Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

    Check out the Get Saved button @ for more information on ensuring that you go to Heaven when you die. Also you can click on the Answers button to learn about Christianity as opposed to other belief systems.

  13. you dont have to believe in one particular thing! you can believe in whatever you want to believe!

    Youre only 12, so i imagine death is a scary and confusing thing to you. Dont worry as you get older, youll learn that death is apart of life. and youll realise what you believe in the most.

    Dont worry about death, and just concentrate on living!

  14. Joseph smith was in exactly your position.  He was 15. You might be interested in how he solved the problem. (google Joseph smith)

  15. Live.  

  16. When you die you cease to exist.

    Religion test

  17. First of all there is nothing to be afraid of. When you die, when your physical body is no longer living, your soul continues on developing towards the purpose for which was created, by a process of reincarnation. What is this purpose? Each one of us, you and me and all the other people we see in this world, all are but a piece of one big soul that has been divided up into what we perceive as all of humanity.

    We have a purpose for being here, over and over again for all of us, and until we learn what that purpose actually is, we just continue to live another life in a new body, repeatedly until we do. The goal at hand is to find a method that will allow us to discover the reason for our very existence, the problem with not understanding what it is, and finding a solution so that we can complete our work and thus no longer need to keep reincarnating.

    I have linked for you a terrific video that will explain the process of reincarnation and what it means, why we do it, and how until we are participating in the process, we will be left only to keep asking this same question you have here.

    The answer does not lie in religion, belief systems, nor anything else that is based on theory, but by a methodology, a science, that is available to anyone who comes to this same point in life that you have! Good luck on your search for answers. Best wishes.

  18. Dude don't worry about it. No body knows who is living on the earth at the moment. I think what your going to find is that a lot of religions that are going to be starting to become disproved because of science. Just like old religions. If this is right we go 6ft under but you don't know when your dead so you won't know or care.

    Just chill out I wouldn't be scared at all, there is nothing to be scared of.

  19. When you ask a question like that on here, you will get many different answers from every religion (and atheism) present.

    I too, would point you towards Jesus Christ.

    But your age does not matter-whether you are 12 or 120, what everyone needs when searching this matter out, is to find which one is VALID.

    Which has the truth? Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, etc.

    If you will commit yourself to the serious study, keeping your focus on discovering the TRUTH, and being able to back it up, you will find it.

    Remember, the truth is not always what we want to hear. Some truths are hard to take. But take it we must. You cannot live by a lie.

    Martin has listed (I think it was him) a site which compares the different religions. This is a good beginning.

    Study each one, particularly the documents which each hold as their Holy book. The Bible is a much more information filled book than many think. And it does have the answers. Many detractors, but many believers.

    But you go through each one. Be diligent, and keep in mind that you can always call a Pastor for help in reading and understanding. Any good minister will have studied each religion as part of his formal education, and should be able to answer questions.

    I can promise you this: If you seek God with all your heart, He will certainly reveal Himself to you.

  20. Death is one of the most frightening things we face. Everyone dies though, it is natural and normal.

    It is unfortunate that so many religions nowadays insist that there is only one true way and everyone else who doesn't agree will suffer.

    I can't believe that God is such an uptight, judgmental autocrat that he would condemn anyone to h**l just because they picked the wrong religion. God is merciful and loving. God doesn't care if you misunderstand theology. God doesn't even care if you are an atheist. God is above all that. Really now.

    The only thing is to do you best to be kind and loving toward each other. To be fair and tolerant.

    Read about  all the different religions, including the Pagans, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the Gnostics, and non-religious philosophies that include atheism and agnosticism.

    I really don't believe there is only one true religion, only one true path to God. There are numerous paths. You will find your own path.

    Relax and explore, you will find your path.

  21. I hope that when I die after the hospital gives my organs to someone who needs them that my family cremates me and spreads my ashes out on the lake where I had lots of fun.

    You return to the Earth its that simple

  22. ask God to help you, if he is here as described, then he will help you find the right way, if not then you didn't loose anything.

    for now, go to school, its for sure the right thing to do.

  23. I'm am 13 and I know how you feel. I too have the same problem. Who should I believe in? What should I believe? What happens after I die?

    Well I went to my grandpa for this answer and he told me this...

    "We all die someday, but how do you think we came into the world when it was made? We can't be the only beings here, What might explain it is that there is a paranormal force that has created us. So what brings us into this world takes you out to a paradise..." I hope this might of helped you. And I hope you find your faith. ^_^

  24. Death brings IMMEDIATE heaven or h**l, depending ONLY on whether you believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this life or not.

    To be saved, believe this:  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  25. don't worry, sweetie. =] as long as u have faith in God and accept Jesus Christ as ur Savior, then u have nothing to worry about. =]

  26. Everything will be fine. Just believe in Jesus and God and you'll be fine. There is so many religions, te best one non-denominational

  27. Believe in Jesus Christ!  Don't be fooled by all the world's religions.  Jesus Christ Himself hated religion!  Read Matthew 23 and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    Jesus Christ is your best friend, your comforter, and much closer than your brother, sister, or even your parents. He's even closer than the air you breathe. Jesus is God (see John 1:1-18). And being so, he gave you breath. Awesome, isn't it? But, check this out... Jesus died on the cross for your sins, the sins you will commit now and later. I mean think about it... if your best friend died for you, you would know that they love you right? Well, that's just like Jesus. Except he loves you way more than that. Because even though He died, He rose. He rose from the dead so that you could be saved for your sins- if you accept Him, believe in Him, and honestly repent for your sins. Whenever you are lonely, discouraged, or depressed, He is there for you. There is nothing he wouldn't do for His own child. And the best part is, is that whoever believes in Him is His child. No matter what you've done. Even if you've lied to your parents, done drugs, or had an abortion... Jesus will forgive you and still love you. Forever.

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life" John 3:16

  28. Poor you. Quit worrying! Your only 12. And most 12 year olds are pretty healthy....Whatever you choose to believe in, at 12 is fine by the God I know...

    Look, if Chrisitans have been telling you, your going to h**l, ignore them. Your not.

    Jesus in the Bible was very loving.

    Islam -I dont know...

    Look, chill!    

  29. Already answered this for you, hon, but since you're asking the same question, I'll give you the same answer:  there is nothing to be afraid of, when you die, you die, no more no less.  Religions use life and death as scare tactics to control and manipulate simple-minded people into doing whatever they want them to which is basically obeying blindly and giving all their money to the church.  There is no god, there is no haven, there is no h**l.  The end!

  30. play pin the tail on the religion donkey.

    Put all the relgions you can think of along with any death theory you know on a donkey shaped board. Then wear a blindfold and walk at the board with a dart. What ever your dart lands on that's what you do.

  31. Stop trying to find out while you're still alive. Just give it 70 years, and live the fullest life you can in between. And don't let anybody else tell you, they don't know either.

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