
I am scared at night?

by Guest10838  |  earlier

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Please no rude comments, I realize I am being a baby, no need to remind me, I have panic control problems, so that would be why this is happening, so lay off, okay? So in the past month I have watched one too many scary movies... I am 13, and I am NEVER making that mistake again. I have so many faces stuck in my head, and for the past week I haven't been able to sleep, I get VERY panicky and start shaking. My mom is very very strict and wont let me turn on a light or the tv and just makes me stay in bed and gets mad (because my mom is a beeoottchh at night) so I basically am up all hours of the night shaking and panicking. God, we can't afford a physiciatrist, so thats out of the question, my school doesn't have a counsalor, so thats out of the question... what can I do to convince my mom to let me turn on the tv or SOMETHING to help me fall asleep? She wont let me turn on the hall light... Just please, please help I want to sleep...




  1. Try liStening to music on a cd player or on a ipod if you have one, you can also watch videos on them  

  2. When I was your age I watched a scary movie and the same thing happened to me.   I assure you these images will go away.  I told myself that it was not real even though it appeared to be.  Rationalization will be your new best friend.  Life is not like those scary movies.

    When you are in bed, in the dark think of positive images.  I found that I would think of big fluffy clouds and that would help me sleep.  You do not need a psychiatrist, or a counselor you will be fine.   When you are older, you will look back at this and laugh, I promise.

  3. Don't worry, I slept in the same room as my parents until i was ten- And I'm 13 now.

    But here's what my mum told me (she wanted me out =])

    1. Stop watching the news (terrosim made me paranoid)

    2. Dont watch crimewatchers type of shows (made me think i was gonna be a victim)

    3. Stop watching scary Movies and Tv shows (I had to stop watching simpsons for a while =] and forget about michael jackson)

    4. While in bed think of happy things

    5. Close my eyes for at least 10 minutes in bed

    6. Run around a lot so when I go to bed, I'll be too tired to be scared.

    7. Now i have this giant digital clock, so my rooms illuminated in blue light.

    8. If you have mirrors put them away from you bed, sometimes you can confuse the dark figure for a stranger, when its just your reflection

    Hope it helps- it helped me

  4. get a fish tank and keep the lights in it on at all times - thats what i do - i watched a video on youtube and i didnt know what was gonna happen and a face popped out and it scared the c**p out of me!  other ways r to hide the light - get a flashlight or use a desk top lamp. (im 13 to - these should help)

  5. Okay, this is not a serious, serious problem.

    You are 13, and most scary movies are rated 'R' (18+) for a reason.  ;)

    Anyway, during the night, when you feel these panics coming on, lay back, and tell yourself that 'It was just a movie, it's not real.'

    Also, even if your mother doesn't want a light on, I'm SURE she would not keep you from getting up and going to the bathroom.  You can stay in there as long as you want with the light on, wsh your face, and calm down a bit.

    Plus, if you have one, fill your MP3 player with relaxing music, or turn on a relaxing CD to listen to in bed.  Listen to it all night if you must.  You can relax, and make sure to tak deep breaths.

    Also, you can pray.  I don't know if you're a Christian or anything, but the bible does say that in the darkest hour, in th midst of your fears, Jesus will comfort you.

    Now, with all that in mind, go get some good sleep!  :D

  6. Try an iPod.

  7. Go to bed earlier and read a book , it will make you fall asleep with out working ur self up , it will change ur FOCUS..

    Sweet Dreams

  8. YO! i used to have the exact same thing!!!

    no way

    im 14 now

    i was always on alert at night and cud never go to sleep

    i wud hold my eyes open and just stare from my bed to the door and down the hall

    I was scared of EVERYTHING,

    I got over it by reading the bible

    Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; Yea I will help thee. Isaiah 41:10

    don't get mad at me for saying that  ( its crazy how many ppl do get mad at me for quoting scritures)

    And the thing is i don't rele read the bible i just trusted that

    and it worked :]


  9. You need to practice focus exercises. I had the same problems, however mine were focused on the deaths of loved ones.

    What you need to do is set everything up to be comfortable in your bedroom ( if the dark is scaring you that much, see if you can convince your mother to purchase a large faced digital clock -- they are very very bright. ). Then lay in your bed and close your eyes. Focus on something that is bothering or frightening you and take a deep breath in. Now as you release your deep breath, imagine yourself blowing the thought away. Do this again, with deep, slow breaths until the anxiety at that thought eases.

    Then focus on an incredibly good thought or idea. Something that really interests you, like, "What if I was the best ice skater in the world?" or "what would I do if I won the lottery?" No matter how ridiculous the thought is, imagine the scenario in detail with your eyes closed.

    This always works for me, and as a result I can now sleep anywhere, at any time of day or night, no matter what the situation. It's sort of a sleep training.

    Best of luck, and have patience, just as with any training it takes time to master.
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